Chapter 28

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P.O.V. Layla

He's such a dumbass.

The biggest idiot i know.

But that's my idiot.

I woke up on Marcus's naked chest. I quick recognised his room and closed my eyes again.

Until I'm with him I'm safe.

He started moving and yawning. I thought acting like i was still asleep would be a good idea cause it worked and he didn't even noticed it. He only put his arm around me and hugged me tightly. I looked at the clock and noticed it was already 11am.

Okay, first : i don't even remember how tf i ended up here, second : my parents will kill me if i come back home late, and I'm already late.

Argh fuck this I'm tired.

I closed my eyes again and went back to sleep.

Marcus woke me up.

-Ohh sorry. - he said and put his hair back.

-It's okay. - i yawned and looked which time is it.


Oh well... Who's comin' to my funeral?

I took my phone and checked if anyone called me.

17 missed calls from : Mommy <3,
20 messages from : Mommy <3,
6 missed calls from : Dad <3,
9 messages from : Dad <3,
3 missed calls from : Old shit,
5 messages from : Old shit.

Oh and if you're wondering who's the Old shit, it's Dylan.

Siblings love lmaoo

I looked at Marcus.

-What? - he asked putting a shirt on.

-I got 26 missed calls and 34 messages from my parents and Dylan.

-Oof, want me to go there with you to explain?

-Would be nice. They probably think I'm dead or smth.

-K i'll come. - i got up and wanted to go to the bathroom but Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist. - I forgot to ask but, did you sleep well?


-You were so beautiful yesterday. - he quick kissed my neck.

-Trust me you were looking like a snacc with that suit. - i looked at him.

-You're the real snacc between us two. - he pecked my lips and i smiled.

-Let me go pee now. - i said fixing his hair cause a little wick was falling on his eye.

-Sure. - he giggled and left me from his embrace.

I went to the bathroom, did what i had to, went to take some of Marcus clothes cause i didn't had any others with me and got dressed.

I look like a potato.

A pretty potato.

Lmaoo dumb shit i always look like a potato.

I got out of the bathroom and got immediately stuck in Marcus arms.

-I missed you. - he said and i laughed.

-I just dissapeared in the bathroom for some minutes.

-Yeah but you weren't with me.

-Oh come on, i won't let you look at me while I'm changing.

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