Chapter 3

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P.O.V. Layla

-I mean after that, why would you care about me?

-Because... Okay, you're beautiful, I actually know that, Dylan told me that you're caring, kind and all the things a perfect girl could have.

Wait what.

I'm shook.

Wait no no no nonono.

It's Marcus.
He just CAN'T be so nice.

Its a fkng trick.

-I... I have to go. - and why tf I'm stuttering out. What's going on.

I left the school and I was walking alone.


-Martinus? Hey!

-Everythings okay? You don't look really good.

-Yeah I... I have to sleep. I'm tired.

-Do you want me to walk with you?

-Yeah... I mean, I don't want to bother you.

-You aren't, I was going for a little running to relax but if I can help you, I'll do it.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome. - he said smiling. He's such a cutie.
I just said he's cute. Because it's true.

We walked to my house and we talked a bit. He actually made me feel better.

-So, see you in school I guess?

-Yeah, cya. Oh, and thank you, one more time.

-No problem. Bye Layla.

-Bye Martinus. - we waved at each other and he went somewhere. I took out my keys but my bro was faster than me so he opened the door.

-Thanks. - I got in the house and left my backpack.

-You want some hot chocolate?

-Yeah. Thanks.

-No problem lil sis. - I sat on the couch and I took of my phone. I checked all my social networks and Dylan came with the chocolate. I sipped a bit of it, it was good but too hot. - So, how's things going with Mac? - I almost chocked, for real. - Wooow, r u okay?

-No I'm not. Why do y'all thing that there's smth going on between me and Marcus. I hate him, you know it.

-It's not really what I see...

-Dylan. We both know who he really is.

-I do. You don't.

-So tell me.

-Nah, you'll have to discover it by yourself.

-So it means I'm right. There's no "Good boy Marcus", there's only one version, the "F...

-Stop it.

-First let me talk.

-No I won't. You don't know who he really is, you judged him just by seeing him with others girls but what if he is actually nice and kind? Did you think about that version?

-Nah I didn't becau...

-See. So please don't talk shit about him, if you do, you're not from my family anymore. - mental breakdown in 3... 2... 1... Annnd there it is. One tear appeared in my eye.
Naaah, no way I won't just cry in front of my bro.

-Okay. - I just said leaving the living room. I left the cup of hot chocolate in the kitchen and went to my room.

I'm laying in my bed.
He's fkng rude like everyone else popular in our school.
My own bro, it's awesome.
I heard my phone ring but I didn't really care. I just want to sleep. I heard someone ring at the door but I didn't move, Dylan is downstairs so he will move his ass. I heard some people talk, probably him and a guy, someone from our school I guess, then someone came upstairs to my room.

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