Chapter 4

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I miss Martinus old haircut :(

And Moments Tour :(

And their hugs

Ohh gosh I'm fkng boring lol

P.O.V. Layla

-Today we will have a kind of contest in pairs. You can pick but I'll change some of them. - I already was standing to Mads so we didn't have to move. - Okay, now I'll change some of the pairs. Liam, you go with... Ava and so Lexi you go with Lucas. - she continued changing the pairs but she didn't changed two pairs. Me and Madison and Marcus and Martinus. - I guess that's it... No, one more little thing to change.

Let me think. I'll go with Marcus, am I right?

-Layla, you go with Marcus and Madison with Martinus. - bitch.

I went next to Marcus and he seemed happy.

Well, at least he's in a good mood.

- Okay, perfect. There will be five exercices. - and then she started explaining what do we have to do. - Everyone ready? - we answered yes and we started placing different things in the sport hall to finally work.

As I know in the first exercice the boys have to carry the girls from one side of the hall to the other side and back. I don't really have to do anything so it's okay.
I jumped on Macs back and he placed his hands under my thights a little bit too close to my ass.

Just amazing.

Ehm. Feel the sarcasm.

-Ready? Go! - he's fkng fast. Like Flash McQueen lol. He was the first on the other side and back to the start point.
When I got off his back I started jumping and dancing all around but when I noticed Marcus watching me and laughning I stopped.

-You cute.

-I kn...

-Marcus, you'll have time to flirt with the girls after school. - the PE teacher said and everyone started laughning.

He blushed.

Oh god. How cuuute.

Wait wtf r u saying Layla, wtf?

-Now you guys have to do the rest of the exercices. - She said and left the sport hall.

-So, wanna talk or do the exercices?


-The push ups?

-If ya want. - I said. It's funny because I don't have anything to do here, I just have to sit on his back while he's doing the pumps, as a weight so he make more efforts. And make him suffer a bit lol - You good? I don't want to break your back.

-I'm good, you're not that heavy.


-You're welcome. - he said as he started doing the push ups. I couldn't stop myself from laughning, it's acctually funny to sit on someone while the person is suffering and doing some pumps. - Why r u laughning? 

-What? - he asked again laughning a little which made him a lil weak.

-You... Oh god... HAHAHHAHAH - I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

And it was at this moment,
he knew,
he fucked up.

(If you've read that with THE voice, you're a real one.)

Well, acctually, Marcus started laughning, which made him really weak and he couldn't carry me on his back anymore so we just fell like two idiots laughning and me even crying of laughter. I just want to say that everyone looked at us like "wtf bro r u okay?" but we just didn't care. When we finally stopped laughning we looked at each other and... We started laughning again. When we finally stopped laughning again we got back to the work with some laugh. It was really nice, and I acctually think Dylan is right.

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