Chapter 23

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P.O.V. Layla

-This day couldn't start better. - he said happily. I put my head on his chest and he put his arms around me. We started talking about our lessons and went together to the first one, walking hand in hand.

After the last lesson i joined Madison and we went shopping. We both needed a dress for the party.

-What about this one? - Madison asked coming out of the changing room she was in.

-This one is definitely the best.

-You think so? - she asked looking once more at herself in the big mirror in front of her.

-Yeah. The other ones weren't bad but sis, in this one you look stunning. If i was one of the boys i would drool. - i said and we both laughed.

-So i'll take this one. - she said and went back to her changing room. 

After some minutes we got out of the shop and went to H&M. We started looking for some dresses and took some of them so i could try them. As i was trying the dresses and noticing that i don''t like any of those i got hopeless.

-Madison, this is pointless. I don't like any of these dresses and I feel like i won't find one.

-Oh come on, don't give up so fast. Try this one. - she gave me a red dress with a printed leopard pattern.

-It's the last one I'm trying on Mads.

-Stop saying bullshit and put it on. - i finally decided to try it.

-And? What do you think of it? - Madison asked curious to see me.

-It's the one. - I said looking amazed in the mirror.

-Really? - Mads got her head in my changing room. - Oh damn. Yas it is the one. I know someone who will like it. - she moved her eyebrows smirking at me.

-Oh shut up. - i said laughing.

-Also, what did you talk about with him this morning?

-Nothing much. - i said smiling and blushed.

-Nothing much? Yeah suree so why are you blushing? Wait! You told him that you wanted to be his girlfriend. - I only smiled. - This means I'm right. We were watching you two and I'm not gonna lie it was cute. You two fit together.

-Just like you and Brad. - I said and she blushed. 

-We're kind of getting close.

We continued our discussion about boys as i paid for my dress.

Saturday, the day of the party

I woke up around noon.

Facetiming Marcus until 3am wasn't a good idea.

But talking about our dates from the past days was so cute.

And also seeing Marcus fight against sleep was cute.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to find some food. My mom was making our meal and the mans of the house aka my dad and Dylan were missing.

-Well well, good morning sleepyhead.

-Hi. - i said yawning. - Where's dad and the other weirdo?

-They're in the pool. I heard that there's a party today, you're going there with Dylan?

-Yeah also with a bunch of friends. It will be fun.

I went back to my room to find some clothes to wear now and go take a shower.

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