Chapter 17

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P.O.V. Layla

I was walking calmly in the corridor almost full of people when someone grabbed my arm very hard. I turned around to see a pissed off Madison.

-Uhm hey? - i said since i didn't know what was the problem.

-Why are you always lying?! - she screamed.

-Damn sis calm down. What's the problem? - i already noticed that a little circle was being created around us.

Great. Exactly the thing i hate the most at school.

-I saw what you two were doing in class! Why do you hide it from me?! I'm not blind, you dumb bitch!

What did she fucking say?

Did she just fucking called me a dumb bitch?

Oh dear, we'll see who's the dumb bitch.

-Okay, you know what? If you wanted to know what's going on you could just normally ask, but now, it's just too much. Don't fucking play with me, you know how i am so don't be stupid.


I can't take this.

-Just fuck off. It's not your bussiness. Stupid slut. - i found my way out of the circle and went to my next class.

Time flied fast and it already was lunchtime.

-Lucas! Hey.

-Oh... Uhm... - he kind of was suddenly uncomfortable.


-Well i... I'm not supposed to talk with you.

What the...

-Why? - i asked after a while. He looked somewhere behind me, I turned around to see who was it and i saw Madison and Liam waiting for him. - Oh... Right. Okay. I understand. Bye... - i said stopping the tear from falling down my face.

I went to one of the corners of our cafetaria to eat alone.

Looks like i don't have friends anymore...

I raised my head to check if they were lookin at me, I crossed Liam's look and he seemed sorry. I looked away since it hurt me even more and saw Marcus searching someone. He looked at me but i lowered my head and stared at the table eating.

-Hey. Can i sit? - my friend was besides me.

-If u want to...

-Oof. Something happened? Why do you look so sad? And why are you alone? It isn't your type... - he sat and tried to catch my look but i didn't looked at him even once from the moment he came.

I didn't answer. I had a lump in my throat and it hurt me so much that my friends left me. I let one tear drop from my eye.

He gently turned my head to face him and he wiped the tear with his thumb. I hugged him and just let the tears go.

-It's okay, I'm here with you now. - he said with such a relaxing tone huggingme and stroking my back. - I'm here, don't worry.

After a while i totally got calmed and just sat there with him in his embrace.

-Better? - he asked still stroking my back.

-Yeah. - i was looking at Lucas when he moved a bit and revealed Madison looking straight at us with literally death in her eyes. I couldn't watch her so i hid my face in Marcus's neck.

He saw the situation and got up.

-Marcus? Where are you going?? - i asked kind of panicked.

-Shh, don't worry.

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