Chapter 10

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P.O.V. Layla

-If you want we can relax together after sport.

Does he just-

-Nooo way. Maybe another time but surely not after sport. I HAVE to take a shower. Or a two hours long bath.

-U can do this at mines. - we went together to the changing rooms.

-U wish. See u in some mins on the field. - i entered the changing room and saw that there was no one. I was closing the door when Marcus put his hand on it. - Ehm, what r u doing?

He didn't answered but looked in my eyes in a way i couldn't explain. 

He pushed the door, I moved to avoid it and he entered in the girls changing room.

-What the actual fuck are you doing. Go to your changing room u dumbass. - he closed the door and turned around to face me.

-But maybe I like the fact that we're here, just the two of us. 

This can be dangerous Layla, you know it.

-But maybe i don't like it. - I crossed my arms.

-Oh Layla. - he was getting closer to me, i tried to move but my back was already touching the wall. He leaned on it with both his hands beside my head. 

Why is he so tall ugh.

-We both know that u do like it. - his perfume surrounded me.

-You s-should j-just g-go. - here i am again, stuttering without a reason.

-You sure? - he asked kind of too close to my face. I closed my eyes to calm down. 

I'm lost, I don't know what to do. Should i slap or kiss him or just run away or... 

I suddenly felt his lips on mine. For a second.

I opened my eyes to discover Marcus waiting for my reaction.

I couldn't help but smile. 

I lowered my head to avoid his look. He raised my head by putting his hand on my chin. We both looked in eachother's eyes.

-If it bothers u I'll stop, I just dont want u to get hurt... Trust me, I'm not playing with you and your feelings, i probably wouldn't even try but you... You're different. I care about you a lot, I'm really sorry if i hurt you befo...  - I fast kissed him to make him shut up. He deepened the kiss but I had to stop him.

I put my head on his shoulder and he hugged me. We did not need to talk. The silence between us wasn't uncomfortable at all, i even enjoyed it.

-I'll go to change my clothes for sport. - he said hugging me a bit tighter.

-Yeah, we're really late now. - he kissed my forehead and left me alone. I fast changed and went to the field. He catched me up and we walked together. Right before going out of the building to the field i stopped him.

-Something's wrong? - he asked worried.


Annnd another one

What do you think abt Larcus? ;))

See u in the next chapteeeer

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