Chapter 21

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P.O.V. Layla

Marcus left too, my parents came back, the day went fast and it was already time to go to the match.

Gonna be wild.

After the match Marcus wanted to spend some time with me and i didn't have anything to do so i said yes.

I put my cheerleader stuff in my favourite backpack, took everything i needed for the match and went out of home with Dylan.

-So? Do you think we will win? - my brother asked as we were close to the school.

-I think so. Maybe the guys from the other school are famous but they can't play like our boys. The last time we lost was when you and Marcus were injured, now you two are playing, Martinus will also be with you so i have almost no doubt about the winners.

-I love you sis. - he said patting my back a little too hard.

-I love myself too, but thanks. - he laughed as we went to our cloakrooms.

I talked a little with the girls, we got changed and went to the field. There was a lot of people and it seemed like the bleachers were full. I saw the cheerleading girls from the other school coming out, they all looked at us with a basical resting bitch face and started laughing.

Looks like they think they'll win. 

Bad hopes darling, we're the bests.

We did our choreography, the other ones showed theirs and some minutes later the match was about to start. Our boys were standing near us, they looked stressed and they were talking about the match all the time. They got on the field, the other team came a little later. As fast as the boy went on the field we went as close as we could. I saw Marcus coming in my direction.

-Are you stressed? - i asked putting my arms around his neck.

-Not really. You look amazing. - he said looking in my eyes. For a second everything disappeared around us. 

-Thanks i guess. Don't be stressed, we are so much better than them, there's no reason to panic.

-Okay, thanks baby. - he was about to leave when i stopped him.

-And the good luck kiss? - i asked smiling.

-I'm surely not gonna decline. - he came back close, his hands cupping my cheeks he slowly pressed his lips on mines. I hugged him and he quick kissed my neck.

-Good luck, even tho you ain't gonna need it.

-Thanks anyway. - he said going back to his position.


Marcus scored a goal right before the end of the match which makes us win with three points ahead. As some of the girls go on the field to congratulate the boys I go with them. I notice Marcus alone so i go to him instead of the whole group, he opens up his arms so i run to him and he hugges me.

-Congratss! - i say smiling from ear to ear.

-I scored the last one for you.

-You did such an amazing job.

-Can I have my kiss now?

-Let me think about it... - i look in the clear blue sky and put my hand on my chin acting like i was thinking about the answer.

Seeing him faking his sadness is cute but his lips taste so good, I can't say no.

-I think i've got my answer. - i say looking in his eyes.

-And what is it? - he asks smiling. I put my hands around his neck and bring our faces closer, his hands go on my waist and there is almost no distance between our lips.

-Guys! - Shawn runs slowly toward us, we look at him and i clearly see Marcus clutching his jaw. I take his hand in mine and stroke it with my thumb, even tho i don't know why he is so nervous. He first looks at our hands and then at me, so i smile to comfort him. - Are you two going to the next weekend's party at Brad's?

-I guess yeah. - i answer looking at Marcus.

-Yea. - he answers harshly.

-K, good. Also, good job Mac. - Shawn pats his shoulder and goes away.

-Yeah thanks. - he says forcing himself to not sound mean which failed.

-Ehm may i know why did u react like that? - i ask when Shawn got away and i was sure he won't hear.

-No, you don't need to. - Marcus answered mad.

-I don't understand why you're reacting like that, you were such good friends.

-Yeah we were. - he says with anger in his voice and leaves me.


-Layla! - Martinus comes toward me.

-Heyy! Good job! - i say as he hugges me.

-Thaanks. It was fun. You're doing anything now?

-Guess I'll just go home.

-Oh so what about us two going to Pizza Hut to celebrate our victory? As friends of course.

-Actually i think i had to do something but i don't know what so it's a yes.

-Let's go now. - we went to the cloakrooms, got changed and were leaving talking about the party when someone stopped me.

-Layla? Where are you going? - Marcus was looking at me confused.

Shit. I forgot about him.

-Oh uhm... We're going to Pizza Hut. - i said embarassed.

-I see you changed your plans. - he suddenly talked in such a cold way which made me feel a little sad. - Hope you'll have fun together. - he said and tried to leave.

-Marcus wait.

-For what? To see you two dating? - he said sarcastically.

-We're just friends! Plus, he's your brother! And what if we date? I'm not your girlfriend. Stop being jealous Marcus, okay, sorry, I forgot i had to spend some time with you but you didn't act right either.

-What do you even mean?! - he asked angry.

-What do i mean? You left me like a piece of shit when Shawn came just because i wanted to make u feel better because i saw you were nervous and i was worried. So no, I don't really want to spend my time with someone who doesn't treat me right. Understood? - i asked looking at him pissed off. He nodded, i turned back to Martinus and started walking to the Pizza Hut but the older twin stopped me.

-Don't be mad at me, please. I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't react like that. - he said holding my hand.

-I anyway can't be mad for a long time at you. - i said rolling my eyes still a little mad at him.

-Thank god. I'll leave you two now. But promise you'll message me when you'll get home.

-I promise. - i said calmed a little. He hugged me and i quick kissed him on the cheek right before leaving with his twin.

Our afternoon was really cool, we ate our pizzas and Martinus was shocked of how much i could eat but food is basically my whole life sooo i like to eat. We talked a lot and laughed even more. We were almost leaving when the people from the pizzeria started a little karaoke so we decided to stay a little more. Half an hour later we left.




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