Chapter 25

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P.O.V. Layla

"Stay strong"

I wish i could.

P.O.V. Martinus

I went back home and went to Marcus room.

-Wake up you idiot.

-Uhhh five more minutes.

-No Marcus, get up. We have to talk. You fucked up. - he sat on his bed.

-Give me some time to get ready, okay? I'll come to your room. - i nodded and went to my room. As he said, he came half an hour later.

-So? What do you want? - he asked sitting on the ground.

-I know you two should work it out together but Layla's breaking up with you.


-Shhh. What do you remember from yesterday's party?

-Martinus tell me what happened and why she decided that. - he said mad.

-You'll discover it by yourself okay? - i said calmly. - The reason is all over people's stories but just letting you look at them before explaining the whole situation isn't a good idea so please, answer.

-Not much... I mean we arrived and drunk a little but then Layla wanted to go outside so i went with her. Jess called me and at first i didn't wanted to leave Layla alone but she said she would be okay.

-And you followed Jess?


-What happened after that?

-I'm not sure... - he said ruffling his hair. - I guess we went to a room and started drinking shots.

-Do you remember anything which happened in this room?

-Uhm no. I just remember that you took me home.

-Shit. - i whispered.

He doesn't remember anything.

-Okay, i just have to show you what you've done.

P.O.V. Marcus

What the fuck have i done.

-Martinus what did i do? I don't want to see it. - i said a little scared.

-I won't tell you. Aria put everything in her story.  - he said giving me his phone.

I go on instagram and search for her account. When i found it i click on her story a little scared.

A story with us driking shots. 

I remember that. 

I clicked to discover the following one.

You must be kidding.

My heart gets a little broken.

I don't even remember that but... 

How could I do that to Layla.

I got tears in my eyes.

The next stories aren't anything Layla or me related so i give my twin his phone back. I quick took mine and sent a message to Layla.

To Babygirl :

Answer please

I don't even remember what i did, Martinus just showed me.

Babe please answer.

I tried to call her two times but she rejected the calls. Martinus was looking at me worried and i didn't wanted to cry in front of him but i already had tears in my eyes.

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