Chapter 12

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P.O.V. Layla

He opened the changing's room door and every single guy was half naked.

I covered my eyes and they all laughed.

-Oh come on Layla, we know that u liked what u saw. - said one of the boys.

-Maybe i did but i had enough. - i felt someone's presence besides me.

-You can open your eyes now. - it was Marcus and i could have guessed that because of his perfume. I opened my eyes and saw a half naked Marcus right in front of me. - Like what u see?

-Mmm kind of... Not gonna lie but Martinus looked better. - i said and laughed. All the boys had this tipical reaction of screaming "OHHHHH" out loud and going crazy like jumping on each other and stuff. Then i saw the youngest twin coming out of the room.

-Someone said my name? Oh heeey Layla! - he also was half naked.

Bring me air lmao

-Hey Martinus. And yeah i was right, sorry Marcus. - i said looking in his eyes smiling.

-Right about what? Someone's gonna explain? - Martinus was absolutely confused and it was really cute.

-Shut up and just go and put your damn clothes on. - the older twins said clutching his jaw. They closed the door of the changing room. - I hope you did this on purpose. - he said as kind as he could but i could see he was jealous and a little mad.

-Of course i did.

-And may i know when and why did u see my brother half naked?

-U don't need to. - i said by putting my hand on his abs.

-I kind of have to. - he put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

-And why? Cuscus is jealous?

-Cuscus? - he laughed. - Why not. - i looked in his beautiful hazelnut eyes and smiled. - Wanna come at mines later? 

-I have to ask my parents but i'll have to lie.

-I see you're a bad girl. - he fast kissed me. - I'll get changed and we'll leave together, okay?

-Umm let's rather do this : I'll go home now and ask my parents if i can come. I have to shower first so if i'm not at yours after 7 i probably won't come. Deal?

-Deal. - he kissed my forehead and i left. 

I fast got home and took a fast shower.

P.O.V. Marcus

I got back to our changing room. 

-Y'all shut up. You didn't see what happened. Understood? - i said harshly.

-Yup. - my buds answered together.

As i was leaving Shawn left with me.

-Hey bro. I have to ask u something.

-Go ahead. - i answered.

-Why do you act like that? I mean with Layla. She's like the others, just do your job and then let me do mine. - i tried to stay calm. - She's a slut just like the others.

-You don't know her.

-Ohh so you care about her?

-Maybe i do, and what.

-She's a whore bro. You could just choose another one.


-Woow calm down.

-Don't even try to insult her again. - i just went home and left him there.

When i got home I slammed the door and went upstairs without even saying a word.


Hellow chickens

I'm trying to add chapters daily annnnd I hope you like my story

Who's your fav person lmao i always wonder who and when it comes to ask i forget ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

See u soon chickens

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