Chapter 6

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P.O.V. Layla

-No means no Marcus, u didn't know? - i said biting a bit of my bar.

-Nah i didn't. - he said as he tried to take my chocolate bar but he fell on me. 

Wtf why is he so heavy ima die.

-Are you goin to move orr...?

-Nah, I think we're good.

-Move yo fatass you're going to squeeze me. - he looked at me with a smirk on his face. - Don't even try to make any stupid joke about squeezing my ass or smth.

-How did you know? 

-I know you too well. Move now.

-And what if i don't want to?


-I'll guess what you'll do if i don't move. Maybe you'll tickle me orrr... Kiss me? 

-You wish. - I said as i moved and he fell on the ground. - Oops.

-Well played Layla, well played.

We spend some time talking but we had to go back to school

-Idk what are you doing now but I'll go back to school, it's time soon.

-Wait I'll come with you. - he said as i was already putting on my shoes.

-I don't need you. - he was leaning on the wall in the hall.

-Okay but let me do one thing. - he smiled.

-Like what? - No.

Why tf did u said that.

He will do smth stupid you know it you idiot.

I couldn't even react as he pushed me fast against the wall and kissed me. At first i didn't do anything because i was shook, then I kissed him back for like a sec and came back to the "normal" me. I pushed him away, looked for a sec in his eyes waiting for a reaction, he smiled satisfied that he won a part of his little game and I slapped him as hard as i could. He put his hand on his cheek and i got out of their house.

Who the hell he thinks he is. Who tf told him that he can kiss me.

-Layla wait!

-Fuck off Gunnarsen!

As i reached my next class i leaned on the wall to calm a bit down.

-Layla? My lil chubby bunny, what's wrong? - Liam.

He calls me "chubby bunny" when he sees that i'm mad or smth, it makes me happier and it also did this time.

-First, i'm not a chubby bunny, second, I want to kill Marcus.

-More than usually? - his question made me laugh a little.

-Yeah, much more. - I sould tell him? Yea, i always tell him everything and he also do so why not this time. - He kissed me.

-WHAT? It's a joke right?

-Do I look like i'm joking?

-Oh fuck. Tell me everything - so i started explaining everything, what exactly happened.

-We both know his little game. He kisses a random girl, makes a hickey or whatever and then tells shit about her just to make fun of her. I'm not going to be his new toy.

-You're right my lil chubby bu...

-Don't you dare to say it again. - I said and we started laughning

The teacher came, we went to class, got on out places and the lesson started. Mac came late but he fast sat on his place next to me not saying a word.

10 minutes left.

-We will go to a trip to Ireland. You guys alredy payed everything at the beginning of the year but now I need the people with who do you want to be in the rooms. Your class will be in one bungalow, maybe you will be mixed with another class but it will be maximum 5 persons from another class to your bungalow and 5 of your class to their. We will go there with two other classes. There will be Martinus Gunnarsen, Liam Patterson and the rest, I think you guys know about which classes I'm talking about. - we all tilted our heads in a "yes" and left class. - You can go now. - I packed my things and went outside.

I was waiting in front of Mads class when Mac leaned next to me.

-What do you wan...

-I'm sorry.

Did really MARCUS GUNNARSEN just apologize?

-I know I acted wrong. Sorry. - yeah, he's serious.

-Well, it's okay i guess? You know you acted wrong, that's good. - I smiled.

-Can we go somewhere together after class?

-Umm yea.

-Great. I'll wait for you in front of school.


-Cya. - he said and walked away in true happiness.

-Cya. - I answered and looked at him shocked.

The door opened and Mad came out.

-Oh hey. - she noticed that I was looking at the empty corridor. - Something's wrong?

-Yea... I mean no. Ugh, some crazy things just happened, you won't believe me but anyway, Mac kissed me, I slapped him and now he just apologized for what he did.

Mad was looking at me in total shook.

-Are you serious?

-No I'm not. Yes I'm serious you idiot.

-Wow. That isn't normal, Marcus NEVER apologizes.

-Yeah that's why it's weird...


Whoop whoop new chapter guys

Kinda proud of what I wrote, I'm feeling much better since a while

I wanted to thank one special person for your cute af comments
*the person will recognize itself*


Are you happy or nah bc of their b day?

Have a nice weekend peeps love you ♥️

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