..::Chapter 1::..

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For some reason, I had always imagined the flight from Toronto to London would take longer. I understand it's under 8 hours, depending, but I had planned on preparing myself mentally for this move on the way there. I would have thought about it more earlier but it never seemed real. Throughout all the planning, setting up all documentation, packing and notifying people about the move, it didn't seem to sink in.

I think the plane taking off was the defining moment for me. I had never really been more than a 5 hour radius away from my hometown in Ontario, Canada.

I've never been the most independent person but I was desperate for a change of scenery. I wanted to travel. I wanted to live and work somewhere foreign to me. But as much as I wanted to take that daring leap into the unknown... I couldn't. Well, at least not on my own and that's where Charlotte comes in.

Charlie is my best friend's older sister. Her brother, Sam, and I have known each other for about 10 years and have been best friends for the last 8 years. Charlie's 3 years older but we don't recognize the age difference. Somehow I convinced her to move to London with me for the summer.

We both have the same job lined up in London. It's all set up through this program that places you with a restaurant/bar and a place to stay. You get to live there for free as long as you work at your placement. Along with a decent wage that's enough for us to live off of, with little to nothing leftover for leisure activities. I was there for the experience anyway though, and if I have to eat cheap noodles to save up for a night out, then so be it. This was my first time on my own and I was determined to make it work and enjoy myself.

This was my summer. I was glad to not be completely on my own but I need it to be amazing and spontaneous and... I don't know exactly, but different. Not to go all cliché but I need to find myself or parts of me at least... or someone.

Again, I don't know. But something's going to happen, I need it to.

"So Jess, has it hit you yet?" Charlie asked while buckling her seat belt. A woman with a robotic voice had just announced that we were preparing to land in London.

"I think I'm starting to shake because it's hitting me all at once." I replied, repeating her actions.

"Well relax, we're in fricken London, England baby! This is gunna be great!!" I laughed at her excitement and her innocent language.

Relax? Yeah, okay.

Charlie has always been like that. Innocent that is, and it never ceases to make me laugh. It's as if she refuses to swear. I mean I'm not exactly a trucker when it comes to fowl language but I have definitely said my fair share.

After picking up our luggage and hailing down a cab, we were on our way to our new home. I tried to remember the street names and get a sense of my bearings but I'm the worst at remembering names so I was basically just sightseeing. Charlie, on the other hand, had multiple pieces of paper with the directions as she followed along to every turn. She's always been the planner and this trip was no different. Lying open on her lap was her purple folder that had everything from our flight plans to our new address to a list of local food markets. I can't express how glad I am that she's with me because planning makes me too anxious.

The sun was setting when we pulled up to a quaint bar, or pub rather. Charlie and I got out with our bags in tow and paid the driver. I stood there looking up at my new temporary home, while Charlie was about to just simply enter.

The pub was located on the corner and was three stories tall. I believe our future apartment, or flat I suppose, is on the third floor. The front door was right on the corner where the two walls met, with two big windows down one side and one big one along the other. Above the door and windows were three separate signs that read "O'Neil's Kildare Korner" in white and gold old styled font. The building was beautiful really, with beautiful moldings and a beautiful shiny coat of black paint. Floors two and three though, had smaller windows and was covered in bricks that looked although they were recycled, or just really old I guess.

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