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Sure, I may be over reacting. But then, it did matter. It mattered because I didn't feel loved or protected. I was just out there in the wild in the cold and dark.

I'm gonna talk about, "him."
But his is the only time.
I first met him 3 years ago. I fell in love with him and till this day, I still love him, even though he's sick and brainwashed, I still love him to death.

I wasted 3 years of my life on him and he didn't even deserve it. We never dated. I just liked him. But he can take everything back, but what it did to me. Sure I can move on and find someone else, but he'll never really go away. It doesn't matter how hard I try. He's not leaving anytime soon.

He was such a good man
Kind hearted
A "man."

When I like a guy, I always look for 2 things:
1. Husband material
2. A father figure.

1 because I want to find a soulmate and love and be with them for the rest of my life, and 2, I want to have kids one day, and I want someone who is good with kids, someone who is gentle and kind and gonna be their number 1 man in their life. That's what I look for.

Today when I look at him,
I am disgusted,
I can't believe,
I loved this man.
This evil man.

My feelings today:
He was a chapter, a very long one, I will find someone better then him, but my heart will always soften when I see him or hear about him.

"This was his plan after all, to break me, lie to me, betray me, and give me fake love when all I did was be real with him, what he gives, he will get in return. Have fun getting your heartbroken you little bitch."
(Quote by me)

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