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Let me just tell you,
There is different types of being lonely.
1. Am imaginary crowd
Sure there is a crowd, but I feel like I'm the only one there sometimes. I don't talk to anyone. I'm so use to being alone.

2. The Wall
I call it "The Wall." Because when I'm alone in my room, I look at the wall and imagine the life I wish/could have.

I feel like I betrayed myself, for who I was. The person I should have been. I let my fears and thoughts consume me. I'm better then that. I feel like I have nothing in common with anyone because all I do is take things seriously and feel scared all the time, why can't I be the little happy girl I once was?

My feelings today:
I betrayed myself, my identity, who I am. But that doesn't mean I can't go back.

"They say we pull a front to fit in, but what if we pull a front because we are to afraid to show them who we really are?"
(Quote by me)

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