Betrayal (1)

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I know, this is really sad I am going to say this. But my own blood betrayed me. My own cousin. We grew up together and went thru thick and thin. She was my best friend, someone I could rely on. I am not saying her name. But the feeling of betrayal. Especially coming from her. It's like she took a piece of me and she will never give what she took away from me.

She was very protective and always had a guard. She knew what was right and always did the best to protect us (her family). I loved her for that, because, we are both protective of each other, even if we don't see each other; she was always apart of my life. An older sister I have big was nothing like her. I miss the old days, the days where we treated each other likes sisters and not like strangers.

What did she do, you ask?
She lied to protect herself. She put the blame on me and told them I was the monster when really it was her. Even if I got in trouble I would always take her side.

I did it because she was my blood. My family. What she do? Nothing. To protect herself? Yes she would do anything to get away from me and tell me lies, and yes, I would believe it. Cause why would family lie to you?

She pretends she doesn't know me, and glares at me from a distance. She never takes my side anymore. She's a liar and everyone believed her.

It's hurts because,
I trusted her.
My life was always in her hands, and she sometimes tried to throw me off the cliff and watch me fall.

She fell with me once, but she never hit the ground,

I did.

My feelings today:
I don't see her anymore and maybe it's for the best. But I will always love her and do things for her. But not like I did when we were little. I will act petty like you acted petty with me. I needed you and you were the only one that understood.

Till this day, we have small talk, and that's it. No contact at all.

"They say we lose people in our lives because they are not meant to be in them, but if they ever come back, don't open the door, they will just end up letting you fall off the cliff again without jumping with you."
(Quote by me)

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