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I realized that I am not enough. I feel like I wanna leave but at the same time I don't.

I just want someone to save me,
I wanna hold hands with my friend again.

The one I fell in love with.
I keep staying when I know I should leave.

School is prison. I am locked up for 6 hours for 5 days a fucking week.
But if I skip it's shorter, knowing that it will go by faster not sitting in a class doing nothing. School is a waste of time for me.

I am locked up with people full of themselves and judgement. It's disgusting to see someone you once trusted turn their back on you and twist things around.

I trusted you,
But now your words mean nothing because your actions spoke the truth.

I know what happens now, won't matter in the future. But why does it hurt? Why does it matter now? Why do we care about what others think when we do? Why are we mean? Why are we to afraid when we should stand strong and be brave? Why do we pull fronts? Why? Why? Why?

That upsetting moment
When you lost respect
For someone
You really
Cared about.

I can fight,
But what's the use?

Nothing is gonna change and no one is gonna listen.

It's better to be alone, so no one will ever hurt you or even bother with you.

I have a strong side,
I just don't know who to show it.

I have a tough side,
I just don't know how to express it.

Love and power,
Could change everything.

"It's not important any longer to me."
I will be saying this soon. Like I usually do when I'm upset.

2 more months till I'm free.

Free as in freedom,
To do whatever the hell I want cause it's my fucking life and I don't have to be bossed around by anyone anymore.

"Let them be mean and say shit, they won't be laughing when it happens to them."
(Quote by me)

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