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I won't stop,

Until they've all paid the price.

Remember when I said I dedicated my whole life into revenging the people that have did me wrong? Well I didn't go all the way.

There's is just this one person,

That I have forgave.

He was a bully.
But he bullies to fit in.

I forgave him because I couldn't live my life holding this grudge against this person.

Will I ever see him again?
Will we talk ever again?

The truth is,
I was never mad at him, I never hated him.

He does this cause he wants to fit in.
He does it cause it's what satisfies him.
He does it cause he loves it.
He does it cause it's his way of revenge.

Remember how I said two wrongs don't make a right? Will here it is.

Hurting him back for what he did to me all these years, is not gonna satisfy me. It will destroy me even more.

Sure he will win.

But deep down.

I won

Cause I showed that.

I didn't care.

It's a difference between

Not caring
Giving up.

I didn't give up. I just stopped caring cause it drove me crazy. So I made peace. Now here I am. Telling the story about you.

I forgive you,
When we had this conversation months ago. You were genuinely apologizing. So I took it. You haven't done anything yet, so I'm taking this apology. I don't trust you but I don't hate you either.

You are forgiven.

"I said his name because I feel like you should know what this boy's name was." "He put me thru hell, but I found a way to forgive him." "I should apologize myself." "I'm sorry." "Now I have found a piece to my soul again, let that be a mission completed." "Farewell Amanda."
(Quote by me)

i am amandaWhere stories live. Discover now