Revenge (5)

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"It's a big, big world, it's easy to get lost in it."
~Justin Bieber


"Love" is a strong word. When someone says, "I love you." It means that they mean it. But not all the time. Some just say it to say it.

But today,
This is a different side.
One that I enjoy talking about.

I told him
"We will go nowhere but up."

He's my best friend, but the first man I told "I love you." To because I meant it. I never met a boy that changed my world like he did.

He moved away, but we still talk. Because that's the love that will never get destroyed. No one will take that away. With the strength he has built for me, I could never thank him for the time he has changed my day. He's my hero.

It's a big world,
There's so many people.

But he's always been mine.
Someone I'd call if I need.
He answer then the others.

It feels weird not seeing him at school, but I know he thinks of me everyday, like I think of him.

We both have the same interests and we both love to sing. Making music is a dream, and will always be a dream.

"The people that love us will always stay, even if they are next door or miles away." "Love is the most powerful thing ever, find it but keep it wisely, it may fade away."
(Quote by me)

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