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What people love to do either to protect themselves or to make you believe something that isn't real.

Lying will never go away.
It will stay.
Sometimes you don't even know when your being lied to when someone else tells you something different. Then you start to question, was it really worth it? My time? My energy?

It never was.

Being lied to, Really was just a sign that I shouldn't trust anyone. Ever.

They are all lost in their pride and really, I don't wanna "fit" in anymore.

I'm nothing like these people.
Absolutely nothing.

I'm not going to waste my time pretending to be someone that I am not.

To be someone,
You have to act like someone.

Don't act be someone else.
Cause your not that person.

I grew up in lies.
Love is a lie.
Happiness is a lie.
Greatness is a lie.
Perfection is a lie.

Lies, lies,lies,lies,lies.

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