Revenge (9)

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" I dedicated my life to revenging the people who did me wrong and I won't stop, until they've all paid the price."

I guess I'll make peace with myself, I have to forgive you. Knowing that my life will be better without you.

What is it that you want?
What did I do to you?

Is it because your intimated by me?

What is it that makes you
So evil?

Perhaps you like to see the monster in me?
Cause you keep coming back for more,
Begging me.

I guess there is only one way to put that to the test.


"When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday school proverbs it hid behind. Neat little morality slogans like "do unto other," and "two wrongs don't make a right." But two wrongs can never make a right... ...because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places... ...absolute forgiveness or mortal vindication. This is not a story about forgiveness."
(Quote by Revenge)

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