Revenge (2)

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"Everything will be okay."
"Just wait."

*End of flashback*
*5 years later*

What I miss about being a little girl was my grandmother. She wasn't just my hero, she was just like a mother to me. She didn't speak English.

What I loved about her was her laugh and confidence. My grandma took away all of the pain and she was my everything.

There's no point of getting upset about her death. She died because she was sick. The sickness she has will get hell blood soon. Revenge will come for it. Let it do it's job.

5 years later and here I am. Stronger then I have ever been. I miss her, but her leaving made me realize that I have to be strong on my own and I can't keep holding her hand. She let me go and she wanted me to be free.

There's no point in writing and crying about it. There's no point of singing and listening to music to forget about her. But I can't. When I think of my grandparents and my 2 cousins I think about letting them go and letting them be free.

It's time for them to let them live their other life that they will have. It's town for me to walk away, but I wanna stay. It's over now, and there's nothing I can do it about. It's never easy to walk away.

"Everything will be okay."
"Just wait."

"They say death will do us apart for awhile, but the memories and places will never be forgotten." "Tonight upon the roof, when I'm looking at the moon I will think of you, cause all my thoughts, they look like you."
(Quote by me)

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