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I get it, you want to make me upset, but think about it.

Is it worth your time?
How low can you be?
Ask yourself, "why?"

I don't care how much you like a person, you don't fucking try to make them feel like shit cause your life is shit.

When I'm having minutes like this, I will come back and read this to remind myself, and it's coming from my own mouth.

"Listen, don't give a fuck, high school is over and people who try to hurt you now, it's not gonna matter. These people that hurt you, they want a reaction, so best thing is to do is to ignore them, ignoring them is the best power you can have against them, high school is over, your never gonna see these people again so it's not gonna matter, so why panic about it? People hurt others, it's cause their in pain themselves. They also don't care about how you feel or the after math, so why stress? I love you."

(Quote by me)

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