i fell in love with a criminal

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I fell in love with a criminal.

He was bad
Speechless and

Our relationship was complicated.
But the love I had for him was further then the moon.

I haven't felt this way in years.
This year
Was my lucky year.

I met someone, who made my happiness last for awhile.

I got someone very special to me back in my life.

I graduated.

I made my grandfather proud.

But there is just one thing missing.

Your love that you promised me that you would give.

But all you did was lie.

I guess it was all a lie right?

After 4 months, you would think I'd move on.

I still hear your laugh
See your smile
In my dreams.

It feels so real,
That I wake up confused
And reminded
That you are gone
Have moved on.

I will move on one day.
But your voice still haunts me.

When you asked,
"Don't you love me."

I should have said yes.

I was afraid of love,
Cause I didn't know if I would ever feel it again.

But I loved you so much.

I just didn't say anything cause,

I was afraid to fall in love.

I was scared that you'd leave me
That I was gonna lose you.

You reminded me and said,
"You won't lose me."

But babe,

I did.

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