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I'm in my house it's been 3 hours

since I left Jack's house , it's

nearly 9pm I'm sitting on the

sofa watching TV until I heard

my phone ringing I picked up

On the phone"

-Y/n ?
-Yes who is this?
-I'm mrs avery
-Ooh! Hi How was your flight?
-Pretty good so how's everything going ?

I was silent for a moment but then I said

- jack was kinda rude today but that's okey haha
- he's always like that with people he doesn't know haha but don't worry with time he will Get used to you
- I hope so...
- plz keep watching him if he does anything crazy tell me espically don't let him drink if you see him drinking alcohol stop him plz bc...
- because what?
- if he drinks, it will hurt his liver he has Hepatic disease
- oh....okey don't worry
- thank you so much , and it will be better if you stay with him in the house it will be easier to watch him

What! Staying in the same place as him wow wow hold on...

-umm...i don't think it's a good idea...
- why? No it is stay there plz for me...
-o-okey I will but is he Okey with that?
- I will call him now I know he'll be Okey with that

I don't think so...

-thank you bye now..

I ended the call

Aaaaaa fuck I don't know why I

always say yes even I don't want

it!... I have a really nice heart :")..

Imagine living 2 months with a

bad boy in the same house this is
just crazy ugh god help me....

I was sitting in bed taking my

breath after having sex, :" you

liked it right",  jade :" it was so

good daddy like always " she put

her had on my chest, I was going

to say something but I was

interrupted by my phone that

was ringing :" what now... " , I

hold my phone it's mom... Oh shit
I forgot to call her ! , I answered

On the phone "

-hi mom! I was going to call you!
- you don't look like you were going to jack...
- okey yeah you're right I'm sorry I forgot...
- I know you did..
- anyways how are you doing you and dad?
- we're good and you?
- really good
- so how was the babysitter ?
- terrible...
- don't say that jack she's really nice..
- I don't care
- anyways from now on she's gonna stay with you in the house
- WHAT! No you better be kidding me mom..
- I'm not jack.... I talked with her and she said Okey

This bitch.... She's gonna regret it

- jack?
-yeah mom... But why do you want her to stay with me I'm not a child!
-yes you are she's gonna stay with you to watch if you do anything wrong
- but mom I d-
- bye sweetheart love you!
- wait!

She ended the call I'm so angry

right now :" FUUUUUCK I'M

GONNA KILL HER! ", jade :"babe

are you okey? ", :" FUCK OFF


YOU ANYMORE! ", jade :" but

what did I do! ", I pushed her

away so she fell to the ground :"

seriously jack!!! ", she took her

things :"asshole you won't see my
face again !" , :" and you won't see
my d*ck for the rest of your life

slut" , jade :"you will need me one
day! :" haha You're wrong

I have thousands who can

replace you babe " , she left....

*You received a message *
It was from my girlfriend

:" hey babe I won't come tomorrow I have some things to do see you in 2 days love you xx ♥

I didn't answer her and just

throw my phone away I'm so

angry :"y/n you brought this to

yourself you're my enemy

number one from now on..."
To be continued :)
Promise the next one is gonna be longer then this one
See ya ~♥~

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now