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At 7pm...
I was getting ready for the party,

Zach left to his house to get

ready too it's just me and Jack

here, to be honest I don't wanna

go to this party at all but like I

said this is just for Mrs avery......

im done!

Wow i didn't think this dress will

look good on me , I didn't put

much makeup bc I kinda don't

like it , I got out from the room

and went downstairs, jack was

standing there while using his

phone oh my... He looks so good

in black and his perfect curls....

the fuck no! Don't say that!...

where is this bitch if she doesn't 

come I'm leaving, I saw her

walking downstairs wow...I'm not
gonna lie but she looks beautiful

so beautiful and hot.....wait Jack

don't say that! She's your enemy!

I couldn't stop looking at her up

and down that body tho..., y/n :"

can we go? "

Jack:"why so late! I was

going to leave...", :"sorry...", jack :" yes
you should be sorry", :" I take my

sorry back ! " , jack :" nope you're

late ", he opened the door and

went out so I followed him, :" do

you have a car? ", jack :" of course
", he got inside the car I was going

to open the door but it doesn't

wanna open what the... :"jack the

door...", jack :" who said you're

going with me in the car ", :" are

serious jack...", jack :" do I look

like someone who's kidding?! ", :"

you can't do that! I don't even

know where's the party at !!! ",

jack :" you will go straight when

you see a white building turn left

and keep walking until you find a
big house on your right ", :"....why

are you doing This to me! ", jack :"
that's what happens to you when

you don't listen to me I told you

don't come with me " he smirked

, :" how long will it take me to

arrive there...", jack :" 15 mins? Or

maybe 20 mins" , :" what! No I

can't walk all this while wearing

high heels! plz jack !", jack :" I

don't care bye bitch " he drove off
:" wait no! ", he was already gone..

..:" WHY!..." I hate him I hate him

so much!....:" FUCK YOU JACK! "I

was screaming in the empty

street...:"mom was right... Why

didn't I listen to her!  Why didn't I

go with her... "do i go back? Or go

to the party walking?

know what, y/n never give up!

Never ! I'll  walk to this damn

party I took off my high heels

and started walking :"I'm coming

jack! You will never win this

game noodles head "....

I arrived to the party I went out

from the car and looked behind

me , she won't come for sure

good job jack I walked in the

house the party was already

started , I saw the boys so I went

toward them :" hey! ", Jonah :" oh

hey! ", Daniel :"we were waiting

for you ", I saw Zach coming, 

Zach :"heeey- wait where is y/n

!?", :"she's not coming "I spoke

without looking at him, Daniel :"

was y/n coming? ", Zach :" yeees!
She told me she's gonna come...jack I
don't believe you what did you do
to her...", :" I didn't do anything! ",

the three of them were looking at
me :"ugh okey i came without

her....", Daniel :" why! ", :" I told her
if she wanna come then she

better walk ",  Jonah and Daniel :"
what!!", Zach :"do you know that

you're an asshole ? ", :" what!

Guys why do you even care about
her that much! I hate her! ",

Daniel :" she's cute, polite,

beautiful why would we hate

her?? ", Zach :" and she's not a

slut like your other girls that's

why you hate her.. ", :" that's stupid! ",

Jonah :" one of us need to go get

her ", Daniel :" I'll go ", Zach :

"Okey " , Daniel left the party..... :"

are you mad at me? ", he didn't

answer,  :" come on! I'm your best

friend no! Why would you prefer

her than me... ", Zach :" I didn't

say I prefer her than you it's just

unfair jack she didn't do

anything to you..... ",
to be continued

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