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It's starting getting dark I won't lie I'm getting a little bit scared I know they told me there's nothin but come on how the hell there's nothing in a forest , Corbyn :" let's set the fire ", Zach :"someone need to bring the firewood..." they kept looking at each other,  I smirked and said :" didn't you say there's nothing? Are you scared? ", Jonah :" of course no! ", Christina :" ugh I'll go....y/n do you want to come with me? ", :"m-me? " I said pointing at myself, Christina :"yes but it's okey if you don't want to ", Zach giggled :" she's scared let her ", :"no no I'll go" I stood up and went toward her so she smiled , corbyn :" be careful both of you okey", Christina :" don't worry " after what she said We started walking among the forest trees , we went too deep in the forest :" christina ?", Christina :" yes? ", :" don't you think we went too far maybe we can get lost ...", Christina :" nah don't worry I know the way " Okey now I feel a little reassured...., Christina :" look you go this way and me that way so we can find lot of wood ", :"what!  N-no..." I hold her hand,  Christina laughed :" haha okey Okey fine let's stay together "....we started collecting the wood we find...

Daniel :" where are they? ", Jonah :"they'll be back " , Zach :"we were the ones who had to go not sending two girls...what if something happened to them?! ", Zach is right...what if something happened to them... I think I'll go search for them, corbyn :" nah they're okey i know that ", I said :"I'll go see wh-" before I finish Jonah said smiling :" look who's back " we all looked at the direction Jonah was looking at , it was them! Christina :" we're back! " they but the wood down....

After I put the wood down I sat down beside jack , corbyn :" good job girls " he looked at me smiling then looked his girlfriend and kissed her Aww they are so cute..., I can feel Jack staring at me so I looked at him :" what? ", jack :"were you scared? ", :"kind of... :, he smiled and said :"that's okey it's just because it's your first day you will get used to this
", since when he became that nice to me? I'm confused...

I was talking to Daniel until I noticed jack and y/n talking..jack looked happy... I'm happy he stopped hating her This is better than being enemies I feel those two are gonna end up dating :" hey Daniel ", Daniel :"what? ", :"look at jack and y/n ", he looked at them :" don't you think they look good together I hope they will date one day ", Daniel :"yeah... ", Zach :"what's wrong? ", Daniel :"I don't know...", :"daniel don't tell you... " he was looking at me without saying anything :" daniel do you like y/n ?", he was going to say something but then stopped, :"come on bro you know that you can trust me ", Daniel :" come with me " he stood up so I did and followed him.....we were sitting beside the river, Zach :" so? ", Daniel :" I like y/n ", :"since when? ", Daniel :"since the first day I met her...", :" and what are you gonna go about it? ", Daniel :" nothing... ", :"why? ", Daniel :"yes I like her but I don't think I can go and say It to her", :"but why? ", Daniel :" bc jack likes her too " , Zach :" what!? Did he say that? ", Daniel :"no but I feel he's up to her now is she gonna like me? Or him? I don't know that's why I don't wanna do anything right now ", I put my hand on his back :"what if she's not gonna choose you...", he smiled and said :"I'll just give up and forget about it I won't be sad bc jack is my bestfriend...", he continued :" but... ", :" but what? ", Daniel :" if he hurts her or use her like he used to do with other girls I promise that I won't have mercy on him at all...", :"daniel are you serious...? ", Daniel looked at me right in the eyes :" do I look like I'm kidding Zach? ", :"no... ", I'm scared about them now If anything stupid happens , it's gonna end their friendship forever... There was silent so I said :" Daniel let's go back " , we stood up and went back to where we were all sitting....

I noticed that Zach and Daniel aren't here so I asked :" where are Zach and Daniel? ", corbyn :"yes really where are they? They were here just few minutes ago ".... I saw them coming :" here they are....where were you? ", Daniel :" we were sitting beside the river ", :" really! Ugh why didn't you take me with you I want to see it... ", jack :"I will take you later ", :"thank you!", Christina :" hey we will all go! ", :" yes of course we will go all together", Zach :" hey I'm hungry...", :"Okey let's eat I made food before we go ", Zach :" amazing! ", corbyn :"haha Zach don't eat too much we are staying 3 days here " , Christina :" don't worry we have enough food "
After eating dinner we were ready to go to the river it's really dark so we took lamps with us I was walking with Christina while the others were walking behind us.... It wasn't far....I sat down and Christina too I touched the water :"'s  really cold! ", Christina :" yeah haha I know ", :" hey come sit with us "I said while looking at them, they came and sat beside us , Zach said :" who jumps in this cold water I give him whatever he wants " we all looked at him, Jack :" Are you in your mind Zach?", corbyn :" I think you ate too much my bro that's why you're getting crazy... ", Zach :" ugh okey i didn't say anything you are no fun ", Jonah :" yeah tell me it's fun when you get sick ".......after talking and laughing I was getting tired :"guys can we go back I'm tired... ", Christina :" yeah me too " we all went back to our place it's time to sleep....i just noticed that there is 5 tents :" Umm.. So how are we gonna sleep? ", Jonah :" there's 5 tents one for me one for Jack one for Zach one for Daniel and one for corbyn and Christina they are sharing the tent and-" he stopped and looked at Zach :" there's just 5 tents! ", Zach :" so? ", Jonah :" and y/n dumb ass! ", Zach :" OMG I forgot the 6th one!... ", Jonah put his hand on his forehead :"stupid...", Christina :" that's okey she can share with one of you the tent ", corbyn :" oh yeah! ", Jonah :" y/n is that Okey? ", :" I think so bc I have no other choice.... ", Zach :" she's gonna sleep with me! ", Daniel :" everyone but you Zach... ", Zach :" why!", Jonah :"ask her first! ", Christina :" with who you wanna sleep? ", I started looking at them I have no idea.... :"I don't k-", before I finish Jack said :" she's gonna sleep with me ", We all looked at jack , Zach :" she didn't say you...", Jack :"but I said so also don't forgot she's my babysister she need to go wherever I go am I right y/n?" he smirked, i put my head down and said :"y-yes" , Jonah :" Okey we're done y/n is gonna sleep with Jack" , Zach :" that's not fair! ", they went inside their tents , Daniel before he does he looked at me I noticed that he wasn't happy about that why? , Jack :" are you going inside or.. ", :" go first I need to speak to Daniel " , Jack :"Okey... " I went to  Daniel and said before he goes inside :" dani? ", Daniel :" yes? ", :" are you okey? ", Daniel :" yes why? ", :"nothin I just wanted to ask..." , he smiled :"don't worry go sleep now good night ", I hugged him and said :" good night dani "....
To be continued :)

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