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Where the hell did he go! I can't

find him... I went to corbyn to ask
him if I can go upstairs since it's

house :" corbyn...", corbyn :"yes? ",
:" can I go upstairs? I'm searching
for Jack and I thought maybe

he's upstairs...", corbyn :" why are

you even asking.. Go for it girl!" ,

after what he said I left and went

upstairs , there was 4 rooms :"ugh
where are y-", I hear laughing

and coming from a

the last room on the left...i went

toward it and put my ear on the

door...yes it's this so I Opened the
door :"jack.... " jack was lying

shirtless on the bed while a girl

sitting on top of him kissing him,
,He noticed my presence, jack :"

what do you want...", the girl

looked at me :" baby do you know

this girl? ", jack :"she's my

servant don't care about her ", my
heart hurts...he consider me as a

Servant....:" you mean your

babysitter ", girl :" haha what jack
is she serious... ", jack :"! ", :"

yes I am, whatever don't stay too

long we're going back soon ", this
will make him angry , girl :"haha

I can't believe a bad boy has a

babysitter! ", he looks really mad

he moved the girl away from him
and got up and came toward me :

"you'll regret this bitch ", :" what

are you gonna do huh? Leave me

again so I can walk back home on
foot or hit me with keys? Or what
else you wanna do, I'm not

scared of you! ", he kept looking

at me with dark eyes Then

pushed me so I hit the wall

really hard and he closed the

door in my face my back and head

hurts :" loser... " , I stayed sitting

on the floor I feel sad what

did I do to deserve all this it's

been nearly 3 days I knew him

and what did I get from him?

Just pain I don't know how am I

gonna finish those 2 months I

must be Ded before it even ends ..

..:"y/n ?", I looked up :" dani... ",

Daniel :" what are you doing here

on the cold floor...",  :" I have no

idea ", Daniel :" come on get up "

he held my hand so I can get up :"
ouch ouch my back", Daniel :" are
you okey? ", :" jack pushed me

hard so I hit the wall...", Daniel :

"son of a... Ugh he will never stop

this ", I put my head down so he

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now