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After 2 days....
I was getting ready for work after I changed Leo's clothes and made him ready...after few minutes i was ready, I went downstairs :" Leo did you finish your breakfast? ", Leo :" yes mommy " , :" okay let's leave now ", I called out mom who was upstairs :" mom we're leaving! " I opened the door guess who :" keven?? What are you doing here ??", keven :"I thought we can go together since your work is near mine ", :" wait how do you know where I-", keven :" you're late no?", I looked at the time :"oh my god yes! "I quickly closed the door behind us, keven :" I'll give you a ride ", :" no thank you I can walk " keven :" you won't arrive on time " he's right I won't :" okay... " I got in his car me next to him and Leo in the back , keven :"where is the nursery of Leo? "I told him where to go so he drove off ,you must be thinking did I give him a nother chance? Well as you see yes I did I thought about it maybe he really changed I will see we're Friends now....
We arrived to Leo's nursery I got him inside and went back to the car there was silence between us so I said :" so where do you work? " keven :" a cafe near where you work ", :" wait you work there! But I never saw you around there ", keven :" haha i-i'm...I mean I just started working there ", :"oh okay and how do you know where I work? " keven :" I saw you one time going out from there ", :" okay..." after few minutes we arrived I went out from the car and keven did too, keven :" we meet after work? I finish at six ", :"Umm.. I don't know I-" , keven :" oh wait I'll go out early today so I can take you to bring Leo from the nursery around 4pm right? ", :"but how do y-", keven :" okay I need to go now see Ya " after what he said he left I'm confused how does he know all this.... I made my way to the store walked in I saw the new girl in Lauren's place I really miss her... I was waiting for her call but she never called she said she was going to call me in two days but she didn't I hope she's okay...i made my way to the second floor Olivia was going down :" hi Olivia ", Olivia :" oh hi y/n you're finally here jack has a guest ", :"who? " Olivia :" he said an old friend ", :" okay " I made my way to Jack knocked the door then walked in :" hi ja-....zach! What are you doing here! "I hugged him, Zach :" I wanted to visit my two Bestfriends jack told me you're he's assistant ", :" yes I am how's the others doing? I didn't see them in a while ", Zach :" they're great actually I wanted to tell you there's a party tonight like always at corbyn's house ", :" oh amazing but I can't go leo-", Zach :" don't worry bring him with you it's just between us Jack's parents are coming too so your mom ", :" ooh great ", jack :" hello? Am I invisible or something? " I was talking to Zach and I completely forgot about jack :" sorry..." I said down next to Zach , jack :" you're late today ", :" Yeah I know... Thanks to keven if he-" oh god....,jack :" keven? ", Zach :"who is keven? " , :" ahm...he's a friend of mine ", Zach :" I thought we were your only friends ", :" no I have a nother that you don't know ", jack :" you never said you had one " he looked serious , :" do I have to tell you everything? "he kept looking at me without saying anything :" I-i'll go bring you something to drink zach do you wanna drink something? ", Zach :" a coke plz ", :" and you jack? " jack :" water " i was Suprised he usually wants wine but it's better like that for his health....
I came back after I brought their drink I gave it to them and sat :" so Zach how's life did you find a girlfriend? ", Zach :" I asked a girl to prom few days ago ", :"omg really! What's her name? ", Zach :" Kay I really like her she's so kind and beautiful ", :" are you bringing her to the party tonight? " Zach :" Yeah maybe I'll ask her ", :" I can't wait to see her ", Zach :" how's things going between you two " me and jack looked at each other I said still looking at jack :" there's nothing between us ", Jack :" don't lie we're dating come one just tell him ", :" we're not! ", Zach :" you both so weird...anyways I need to leave I have some things to do see Ya " we said bye to him....i looked at jack :" why did you say we're dating! " jack :" did I say that?? ", :"yes... " jack :" I don't remember saying it see you just wanna date me ", :" what- who said i wanna date you! " jack :" I know you do ", :" know what I'll go out from here before I do something wrong if you need me call " I walked out from there and made way to Ashley I didn't see her in days :" hi Ashley " Ashley :" oh y/n ! How are you? ", :" good and you? " Ashley :" pretty good " she was holding things :" are you leaving somewhere? ", Ashley :" oh yeah they need me to do the hair for a nother model ", :" I thought you work for Jack only " Ashley :" naah" , :" anyways I won't take from your time go " she left ugh what do I do now this work is so boring, I'll call Lauren...i typed her number and called the phone was ringing but no one answered so called again but still no answer what's wrong with her I called for the third time still nothing... :"Is she busy or something? Ugh I'm worried..." I looked at the time it was time to bring Leo wow time goes so fast I was going to bring my handbag from Jack's room when I wanted to open the door it went open jack came out holding my handbag :" what are you doing with my handbag? " jack :" I was going to bring it for you it's time bring Leo ", :" oh thank you " Jack :" come on I'll drive you there ", :" thank Y-... " I remembered that keven told he's gonna take me oh no I don't want them to meet! Bc they know each other :" ahm..umm... I mean no I can go by myself you have work " Jack :"
I have nothing for now I'm taking you ", :" but-" he held my hand and we went out from there :" jack wait jack! " he kept walking so I removed my hand :" jack! Listen to me you can't take me-" jack stopped when saw keven who was waiting for me beside his car, when keven saw me he waved at me and came wth he's doing! , jack :" isn't that your ex... ", keven :" hi oh it's jack right? Long time no see " he shaked his hand , keven :" nice to see you again I know the last time we met wasn't going well between us but things happened in the past stays in the past " he smiled, I looked at jack who looked at me too :" this is the friend you were talking about? Keven? Is your friend?" I didn't say anything , keven :" is there a problem with that? ", jack giggled :" I didn't know she would be friends with an asshole ", :" jack! " ,keven said with a serious face :" peaple change jack you don't know anything so don't judge a book by its cover ", jack :" what's the name if this book? Asshole for life? ", :" jack that's enough! " jack :" so you're defending who cheated on you and hurted you now? ", :" he changed jack !", jack :" yeah yeah anyways Leo is waiting let's go before I do something you won't like ", he was going inside the car but I didn't move I was standing in my place , jack :" what are you waiting for? ", :"i-i'm...I'm going with keven" he went out from the car again :" what did you say? ", :" you heard me I'm going with him " I didn't let for him the chance to say anything  and left with keven I didn't want to turn around I KnOw he's mad at me but I can't just leave keven like that he came from work because of me! Am I wrong to do this? We went inside the car and the drove off.....

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