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I was waiting outside with mom for the doctor to come out from the room that my grandma is in , mom :" Please y/n stop crying ", :"h-how do you want me to stop crying she was just few minutes ago talking with me I don't know what happened  she just closed her eyes..." , she hugged me.... We saw the doctor coming out so I breaked the hug and ran to him :" doctor Please tell me is she okey?! ", doctor :" I'm sorry", I froze in my place :"w-what d-do you mean?!?", mom stood beside me :" doctor what happened? ", doctor :" we lost her sorry " he left after his sentence,
when I heard what did he say I got down on my knees :"NOOOOO!!! ", mom :"ssshh, plz y/n calm down !" she said crying , :"NO NO NO SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME LIKE THAT! SHE'S THE LAST PERSON LEFT FOR ME THAT REMIND ME OF DAD! " I was screaming out loud and crying everyone was looking at me, mom :" she's in a better place now sweetheart plz stop crying " , I shaked my head no, :"I-i can't believe this..."

We got back home there was silence isn't y/n here?, I called out her name :" y/n ?.....are you here? " no answer, John :" maybe she isn't here ", :" yeah I'll call her ", I typed her number and called answer I called again and again still no answer :"I'm worried what if something happened to her?", john :" weren't they all together to take Jack? Call one of his friends ", :"oh yeah...wait but I don't know if I have one of their numbers " I started searching in my contacts :"oh I found Daniel's number! " I quickly called after few seconds he answered :" hello?...Oh hi Daniel is y/n with you?....what!?..... She didn't tell me omg....did she tell you when is she coming?....okey thanks son bye " I ended the call and looked at John, john :" what? ", :"we need to go right now follow me " I hold his hand and went out from the house, john :" where are you going! ", :" to y/n " ....
I finally stopped crying after nearly 3 hours of crying I think my tears dried from crying my eyes hurts, I'm in grandma's house to change my clothes to go to my grandma's funeral , mom :"are you ready? can we go now? ", I said with a sad voice :"y-yes"....we walked out from the house thanks to some of my grandma's neighbors that are with us we'll go to the hospital to bring her body , I was getting in the car but before I do I noticed a car coming wait did I see this car somewhere be... It stopped beside the car I was getting in is that....mrs and Mr avery!, they got out from the car, mom saw them :"isn't that mrs avery and her husband?? " , when they saw us they came, mrs avery :"y/n!", :"h-how did you... ", mrs aver:" I used to come here...but what's happening here? Why is your eyes red? Why all this people are wearing blac-" she froze in her place when I said :" grandma died " I tried to hold back my tears by I couldn't I tured to mom and put my head on her chest, Mrs avery put her hand on her mouth, Mr avery :" sorry for your loss she's in a better place now " he put his head down, mom :" thank you.." , mrs avery :" I can't believe this...", a man came and said :" ma'am can we go now? ", mom :" yes " , mrs avery :" plz go and we'll follow " I got in the car me and mom....
I'm Finally in Paris! Wohow! After a long long flight I'm really tired when I went out from the airport I found a man who was waiting for me he said that he'll take me to the hotel to rest......
I arrived to the hotel I walked inside Daaamn this is so cool ! a woman came to me and said something that I didn't understand it must be French :"sorry I don't understand French ", the woman :" oh sorry, welcome sir let me show you your room ", she asked me to follow her, a man came and took my baggage So I followed we got into an elevator wow this elevator is so big....after few minutes we walked out and went to the room that I'm sitting in  , the woman :" this is your room sir " she smiled, :" Thank You " she left... The man put my baggage inside the room and walked out I closed the door after him and started checking the room :"man this room is 100 times cleaner than my room " I layed on the bed :" aah this is so comfortable " I looked at the watch that was on the wall it's 3 in the morning I have 5 hours left until I meet Olivia I'm so excited! I can't even sleep even though I'm tired af I wonder how's my friends parents...and y/n I already miss her , I Can't call anyone since my number doesn't work here I need a new number but good that I still can use social media... I saw that there is a balcony so I went toward it wooow I'm shocked this view is so beautiful I can see the Eiffel Tower over there! It's not that far... I quickly took my phone and took a video :" what's good everyone I'm finally in Paris! look at this view this is amazing " I then posted it on snapchat since there's an available Wi-Fi here , After few minutes I started getting many that moment I got a video call from Zach so I quickly answered, zach :"HIIII!", :" HI BRO! ", the others Joined the video Call,  corbyn :" how was your flight !" , :" tiring but all matters that I'm finally in Paris! ", Christina :" we already miss you! ", :"me too!" , Daniel :" what time is it there? ", :"3 in the morning ", Jonah :" what! You need to get some rest bro ", :" believe me I tried but I'm too excited to sleep ", Zach :" good luck bro ", :"thanks! " I remembered y/n so I asked :" did y/n came back?", they were looking at each other then Daniel said :" nah we don't even know when is she coming back ", :" tell me when she comes back okey?", Daniel :" Okey bro anyways we'll let you rest now see ya later bro ", I said bye then ended the video call....
To be continued :)
Finally posted! To be honest with you It was really hard for me to write this chapter since I'm really sick sorry if it's bad

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