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It's 7:45am in France I'm in the car with the man that will take me to see Olivia , :" sir when are we gonna arrive there ? ", the driver :" we'll be there in less than 5 mins "......
After few minutes the car stopped the driver went out from the car so I did, the driver :" we're here sir go inside ", :" thank you! " he left... I turned around and looked up this building is really big wow I started walking... I walked inside the building I was looking left and right there's so much people in here how the hell I'm gonna find Olivia...wait... I don't even know how does she looks like!, I went toward a woman who was standing alone :" Umm.. Hello ma'am do you know someone called Olivia? ", the woman :" pardon? Qu'est-ce que tu as dit?" (excuse me? What did you say?)
:"Umm.. I don't speak French ", the woman :" oh sorry and I don't speak English ", :"okey.." I looked around again ugh where am I gonna find her now :"does anyone speak English here! ", ?:"I do ", I looked behind me it was a woman who looked older than me :"really! Oh thanks god Plz I'm searching for Olivia do you know her? " she smiled and said :"yes I do ", :" where is she? ", ?:"it's me jack ", :"w-what...omg!!! ", I hold her hand and shake it :"I'm happy to meet you finally! ", Olivia :" me too jack you really look more handsome in person ", :"haha thank you ", Olivia :" are you ready for your test today ", :"kinda.. I'm a little stressed "
" , Olivia :" haha don't be everything will be good I'm sure you can do it ", she smiled at me, :" I hope so " she told me to follow her so I did....she walked in to a room so I did , Olivia :" you have 10 mins left let's get you ready ", a nother girl walked in she looks young, Olivia :" Ashley plz take care of him ", Ashley :" Yes ma'am " , a man came in holding clothes , Olivia took one of them :" those are the best you'll look good in this jack " she said while showing them to me :"am I wearing all of them? ", Olivia :" yes", :"oh okey" , Olivia :"great then I'll be back in 10 mins ", she let the room I sat on a chair , the man :" sir wear this ", :" now? ", the man :" yes " , I took the clothes and went to change....
After wearing the clothes I went back to where was the girl Ashely she looked at me smiling :" you look good sir ", :"Thank you ", Ashely :" plz sit down so I can fix your hair ", wait my hair... I hate people touching my hair, :" no I want it like this ", Ashley :" but Olivia said I need to change your look " , :"ugh okey " I sat on the chair I kept watching what is she doing, :" hey! My curls!...", Ashley :" this hairstyle looked good on you ", :" but my curls...wait actually I like this " I didn't know I would look that good, she then took something that looked like a face powder or something like that :" is that makeup!? ", Ashley :"yes why? ", :" I'm a man! ", Ashley :" I will just put some of it ", :" no way I'm not putting this on my face! " , Ashley :" come on just a little bit! " she was getting closer with her hand to my face I moved away :" do you know that my skin is cleaner and beautiful than yours so take this thing away from my face...", Ashely :"what... " in that moment Olivia walked in so Ashley said :" thanks god you're here! He doesn't want to let me put the face powder on his face! " , :" I told you no! ", Olivia giggled :" that's okey let him ", :"Thank you.." , Olivia :" anyways are you ready? You will pass now ", :"I think so " , I stood in front of the mirror , Olivia came beside me and said :"you look good I really want you to pass this test bc I feel that you'll be a successful model " I smiled at her and said :" that's what I want "....

             "The final look"

 She told me to follow her outside so I did

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She told me to follow her outside so I did.....after few moments of walking she stopped beside a door, Olivia :"I need to stop here they are waiting for ya behind this door", :"who?? ", Olivia :" the judges , every person who wants to be a model in France need to pass by them they are the ones who will decide, so try to do your best show them your charm that will make every person who looks at you melt ", :"I will try my best! " I took a deep breath then opened the door there was 4 judges sitting looking at me my heart is beating so fast I need to stay calm...
I helped mom get the things out of the house since we're going back today I told mom to bring some things from grandma's house that reminds me of her...after we're done we went to the car, mrs and Mr avery's car they stayed with us so they will take us with them I'm so thankful for them they helped us a lot, we got into the car, so Mr avery drove off I put my head on the window, mom hold my hand :"are you feeling okey? ", :"I have no idea.." since grandma died I didn't eat or sleep much I don't know what's really happening to me is it just bc grandma or bc of something else? I think it's bc of him... Mom :" I miss your beautiful smile ", I looked at her and faked a smile, mom :"are you gonna stay like this forever? I know grandma died but she's in a better place now she's watching you now and she'll be really sad if she sees you like that ", :"really? ", mrs avery :" your mom is right,  your grandma will stay always in our hearts stay happy for her countiue your life and reach your goal to make her proud ",this time I really smiled, mom :" Aww look at this smile keep it forever ", I hugged mom...........
After 3 hours we finally arrived Mr avery helped us get our things to our house after finishing I said thank you, I went to Mrs avery that was standing talking with mom :" mom" both of Mrs avery and mom looked at me, mom :" yes? ", :" no mom I'm talking to my second mom ", mrs avery smiled I hugged her :" Thank you ", she hugged me back :"for what?" , :" for everything ", she kept smiling then said :" I am the one who need to be thankful you took care of my son you helped us a lot ", I smiled at her,  mrs avery :"Okey i need to go plz take care of each other ", mom :"come inside! ", mrs avery :" maybe next time we need to finish some things for now ", mom :" oh okey bye " we said bye to her then they left....
We got inside our house I missed it so much , and sat on the living room mom sat beside me , mom :"are you hungry? ", :"nah", mom :"Okey..but I need to buy some stuff for the house go rest ", :"I'm Okey I'll just clean ", mom :" Okey do whatever you want I'll be going now ", she left so I went up stairs to my room to change my clothes I missed my room...i remember the room that I used to be avery's house my room was facing Jack's room I layed on the bed I started thinking about that night I wish I could remember, but it must be the best night for both of us right? I wonder what is he doing right now... When is he gonna ask about me? I miss him! like so much!.... I changed my clothes then went downstairs  I will start cleaning here first I was going to start but I heard a knock on the door did she come back? That was fast I went open the door....
:"Daniel!? "
To be continued :).

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