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I opened my eyes slowly I felt hands around me so I looked behind was Jack arms his body is touching mine oh my... I moved away from him.. my movement woke him up , he looked at me so I said :" don't touch me again ", he said with a sleepy voice :" what do you mean? ", :"your body was completely touching mine jack and your arms around me keep the distance between us next time okey... " , :" you know how many girls want to take your place right now? " he smirked , :"don't compare me with other sluts okey! Do you think I want to be here with you ! Of course no! I'm warning you jack this is the last time you Touch me! "I said with anger , he didn't say anything he just kept looking at me and raised his eyebrow, i got out from the tent what the hell wrongs with me why did I do what a good start of the day ,I noticed Daniel that was sitting beside a tree so I went toward him :" good morning dani " he looked at me and smiled :" good morning " I sat beside him , Daniel :"so did you sleep well? ", :" kind of and you? ", daniel :"good ", :"what time is it? ", he looked at me then said :"8:30am ", :"oh it's still early ", I remembered what just happened with Jack I feel so bad...:"I shouldn't have done this... ", Daniel :"what do you mean? ", oh shit...:" what? ", Daniel :" you said you shouldn't have done that what did you mean ? ", :"nothin...", daniel :" really? ", :"yes... ", Daniel :"Okey... " there was silence but then Daniel spoke again :"you know that you can tell me anything you want you can trust me I'm your Bestfriend no? ", :"yes of course dani!" I smiled at him, in that moment I saw jack going out from the tent holding the phone to his ear who would call him at this time?, both of me and Daniel were looking at him,  jack :"mom!....where am I?.... Why are you asking is there something?.... What!.... But you said you will be here in 2 months! You didn't even finish the first month....okey, I'll be there in an hour...bye " he ended the call and looked at me is his mom coming or what?, I stood up so Daniel did too ,I went toward jack :" what's wrong? ", jack :"mom and dad came... ", :"weren't they supposed to come in 2 months... ", jack :" yes! But I don't know what happened they will arrive in 10 min or less we need to hurry! ", he went toward the tent to bring his things, :"but..." before I finish Daniel said :" go get your things and I'll drive you back "......i took all my things and went toward the car jack was already in the car so i got in the car too, and we drove off , i said :"you didn't tell the others that we are leaving...", Daniel :" I sent Jonah a message...anyways I'll come back ".......
Why did they's not like I hate my parents or something but since they came it means no fun or anything ugh I hate this! And also this means y/n is leaving... She's won't stay with me anymore? I don't know why I feel sad about this... , Daniel said giggling :" no more fun bro haha ", :"Pfff don't remind me plz...." , y/n :" what fun? ", Daniel :" he can't bring girls in the house anymore haha or make parties...", she giggled :" better for you haha ", I rolled my eyes, y/n :" oh dani Can you wait for me so you can drive me back to my house? ", Daniel :"why are you leaving? ", y/n :" since his parents came I need to leave...", :"no...." both of them looked at me, y/n :" why no? ", :" nothin...." I said while looking Away...
We arrived to my house I got out from the car I saw dad and mom I went toward them hugged them and said smiling :" why are you standing outside? ", mom :" we didn't take the keys with us ", y/n followed me,  y/n :"hi Mrs and Mr avery welcome back! ", mom :" oh hi y/n Aww thank you look how nice she is " she said while looking at dad, dad :" nice to meet you y/n ", y/n :" nice to meet you too Mr avery " , Daniel :" oh hi Mr and mrs avery! " he shaked their hand, y/n opened the door for us we all walked inside...

:" do you wanna drink coffee or something? ", mrs avery :" oh no no we did Thank you ", jack :" so... Why did you come early? ", Mr avery :" didn't you like that we are here or what? ", :"sir what jack meant is.. he didn't think that you would come early ", mrs avery :" some problems happened in the work business what made us cancel the contract with the other company ", :"oh okey... " there was silence but then Daniel said :" Okey... Since you're okey i need to go ", :" oh wait for me i didn't get all my things from the room! ", mrs avery :" are you leaving? ", :"yes ma'am since you're here my work finished I need to go...." I can feel jack staring at me , mom :" but are staying alone? Isn't your mom out of town?", :" do you know about that? ", mrs avery :" don't forgot that your mom is friend of mine I talked to her and I know she's not here so you're staying with us until she comes " she smiled, I looked at jack who was smiling is he happy or am I dreaming!? I looked back at mrs avery:" are you really Okey with that... Like I don't wanna bother you... ", Mr avery :" don't say this You are staying with us ", Daniel :"listen to them y/n...okey i need to go bye " we said bye to him then he left,... I'm staying with Jack I thought this is the last time I'm gonna see him! I'm happy that we are gonna spend more time together....
To be continued :)
HIIII how are you all doing I finally posted! :)
Btw my story is ranking #1 in seaveydaniel I was like what the hell... this is a Jack fanfic why is it first in Daniel's Fanfics !😂
And it's also #3 in jackxreader! I'm happy :")

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