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Next day....
I was eating breakfast...y/n was in front of me cleaning up I was watching every move she makes, she's beautiful and so different from the other girls I knew...i won't lie I kinda started liking her....i was lost in my thoughts until I heard her saying :" jack?", :"yes? ", y/n :" is there something? Why are you staring at me like that?", :"I was just lost in my thoughts and I didn't notice I was looking at you ", :"oh okey... " I saw dad and mom coming, are they going out? , :" mom,  dad where are you going? ", mom :"me and your dad have some stuff to do we'll be late don't wait for us ", :"Okey... " they went toward the door , y/n said :"have a good day mom and Mr avery ", :"mom? ", dad and mom said smiling :" You too!", they left.... I continued what I was doing and y/n too but then we heard the door went open I looked at who it was :"guys! " it was Zach and the others, Zach :"what's up bro! " he hugged me so I did too...

I heard Jack's voice talking to someone  it must be them I went to the living room :"hiii!" I kissed them all...jack :" guys I have some good news for you! ", Zach :"what what! ", Jonah :"say it! " , jack :" you guys know me from when I was young right? ", corbyn :" yes so? ", jack :" what was my dream from when I was little? ", Zach :" to be a singer? , jack :" yeah that was my second dream but what's the first that I always wanted!" , Daniel :"to be a model..", jack :" right! ", Jonah :" so? ", jack :"I think it will be true!", christina :"shut up!", Zach :" you're kidding right?!?", Daniel :"what how!!?", jack told them what his parents said yesterday about that woman, corbyn :"OMG! What are you waiting for call her! ",jack :" I will now " he took his phone and called ....jack :"hello?....hi I'm the son of Mr and Mrs avery.." , Zach said whispering :"put it on speaker! ", he did like Zach said, woman :" oh! I was waiting for your call hi jack! ", jack :"hi... Your name? ", woman :"oh it's Olivia.." , jack :" so... Olivia I thought about what my parents told me ", Olivia :"so what do you think? ", jack :" I'd live to work with you ", Olivia :" perfect! Wow I'm so happy you agreed!", Jack:"are we gonna meet or something? ", Olivia :"yes jack ", jack :" when? ", Olivia :"since I'm busy What do you think about next week? ", jack :"perfect!...and where? ", Olivia :"didn't your parents Tell you where do I work? ", Jack :"no....", Olivia :"France ", we were all Shock what France!, Jack :" France! I thought it's here.... ", Olivia :"does this bother you? ", jack :"no not at all... ", Olivia :"great then! Here we will prepare everything your plane ticket and all the things and send it to you ", jack :" oh good then that's it? ", Olivia :" when you come here you will pass a test that will make us know if you can be a model or Not if you pass it you're gonna stay here in France and start your model work and learn everything that you need to know ", jack :"is that mean If I pass it I won't come back to my country? ", Olivia :"Umm.. Yes jack at least 3 years when you finish your 3 years as a model you can travel around the world ", jack looked at us and said :"3 years....that's a lot ", Olivia :"isn't being a model is your dream jack? ", jack :"yes....", Olivia :" so you need to work hard for it and go back for your parents and make them proud of you", he looked stressed he doesn't know what to do so I put my hand on his and said whispering :"it's okey jack you can do it "I smiled, jack :"you're right... Okey thank You Olivia see ya soon!", Olivia :"Okey jack bye see ya in France our future model ", the call ended, we were all looking at jack he took a deep breath , Daniel :" Are you okey bro? ", jack :" yes...", corbyn :" smile you dumb ass you are gonna be a model! " jack smiled, Christina :"omg...i can't wait to see you as a model! ", Jonah :" me too! ", :" we all do! "........
After hours....
I was sitting with Jack in the living room watching TV since the others left hours ago it was around 8pm, :"jack your parents still didn't come when are they coming back? ", jack :" they'll be here soon why are you asking are you scared? " he giggled, :"nah why would I be scared since I'm with you " I winked at him , he kept giggling :"oh you need to be scared you're alone with a bad boy ", :"it's not like the first time i stay with you alone in this house I'm not scared of ya " , :"oh realky" he said while getting closer , :"y-yes " he kept getting closer , he's in top of me now! I don't know why my heart start beating like crazy when he's closer to me!,  jack :"and like that are you scared? ", :"n-no!" , jack said whispering to my ear:"you need to be scared baby girl " did he just called me that!!!? And I don't know why they hell I liked it!, his face was close to mine I can feel his breath on my face :"Jack i-" he put his finger on my lips to stop me and said :"shhh..dont say anything..." then he moved the finger that was on my lips and started moving it on my cheeks, jack :" how didn't
I notice this beauty before..." he said while looking at my eyes...umm... Okey i don't know what's wrong here but he's making me crazy with his voice whispered ! His hand was moving down Until he reached my waist , I don't understand my feelings anymore one side says it's wrong and the other side wants more of this!, His face was close to mine really close and I'm not stopping him! I want him to kiss me! I closed my eyes....
Someone was knocking on the door and that made me push him away from me and stood up then fix my hair and shirt , :"j-jack the door... " I'm a little shy, jack :" I'll see who's this wait here ".......i saw him opening the door it was his parents so I said smiling :"welcome back! ", they smiled at me then Jack's dad looked at him and said :" why do I feel that you're not happy that we came now? ", mom :" did we stopped somethin was going to happen " she winked at him, my face got red...jack :" What are you talking about nothin was going to happen... "
To be continued

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