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After 2 days...
I'm on way to my work with Keven after driving Leo to the nursery I need some explanation from Jack it's been 2 days he didn't show up after that call from that night at corbyn's house I didn't see him he didn't go to work Olivia told me not to come since he wasn't there but I'm confused what's wrong with him? Not answering my calls or my texts even Olivia I called her many times after the day she told me not come but never answered.....
I was lost in my thoughts and didn't even realize we arrived , Keven :" y/n ?" I looked at Keven :" yeah? " Keven :" are you okay? ", :" yes why? " Keven :" do you Know for how long we've been here? ", :" " Keven :" see! It's been like 10 mins since I stopped the car and I kept calling your name but you seemed like your mind were somewhere else are you sure you're okay? " I put my hand behind my neck :" oh really...haha no I'm okay I just got lost in my thoughts nothing bad " he kept looking at me without saying a word so I said while opening the car door :" anyways thanks for the drive !"  Keven :" wait!", :" what? " Keven :"at 4pm meet me here ", :" oh about that my mom gonna bring Leo from the nursery you don't need to come thank you ", Keven :"oh... Okay then let's meet at 6 ", I smiled at him :" yeah sure bye " after that I made my way to the store walked inside said hi to the girl that works in Lauren's place and made my way to the Second floor but on my way I met the boss :" hi boss long time no see " the boss :" yeah the first floor missed you too welcome back ", I raised a brow :" what do you mean? " the boss :" Mr Avery don't want you as his assistant anymore ", :" w-what? Why!? " the boss :" stop with your questions and go back to your work ", :" not before you explain to me why the hell I'm not his assistant anymore " the boss :" remember when you came to me begging to talk to him to change his mind about being his assistant now you're complaining why aren't you his assistant! " , :" yeah I know but things changed! " the boss :" I'm done here go to your work I have some things t-" I didn't let him finish and ran to the second floor I need to know what the hell is happening I heard the boss calling my name but never bothered to answer....i made my way to Jack's room and opened the door without even knocking he wasn't there where is he! :" do you need something? " I turned around it was him :"what the hell is going on!? " he looks really calm there's no expression on his face :"you're not supposed to be here y/n leave ", :" what? What did I do?? Why I'm not your assistant anymore? " jack :" I just changed my mind at least you can go now early to bring your son ", :"did I complain about it!? Did I say something? " jack :" I don't have time for you just leave okay? And don't come here again " I can't believe what I'm hearing right now is he serious!? :" jack what's wrong with you? You changed a lot these two days " I went closer I wanted to put my hand on his cheek but he moved away and looked away , I didn't expect this from him :"I don't know what did I do to you I'm confused you became a nother person overnight " he didn't say anything my heart hurts why is he doing this to me :" all of this was a lie" my voice cracked, :" your love for me was a lie all the things you said to me was a lie how could you play with my feelings like that?" I'm trying to hold back my tears  he still didn't say a word :" Say something ! " he took a deep breath and said still doesn't look at me :" Y/n if you don't leave I'm gonna call the bodyguard to get you out of here " okay I can't hold myself anymore I need to leave this place right now :"don't worry I'm leaving bye Mr Avery " my voice cracked again when I turned around my tear fell down I went out from there Olivia faced me she was looking at me with a sad face she said whispering :" I'm so sorry " I faked a smile :" that's okay its not your fault " she hugged me :" I don't know what happened to him I'm really sorry " I hugged her back :"me too but what can I do since he doesn't want me anymore I'll just go back to my normal life and work it was nice to meet you Olivia " Olivia :" me too " we breaked the hug said bye and left...
I sat on the chair hands on my face this is hard really hard for me but I need to do this I need to keep her away from me I need to make her hate me I want her to be happy with someone else I can't stay with her forever this is the best way to forget about me I know this is hurting me and
Her so much but she's everything to me her happiness is first I'm so sorry y/n....
I'm back to my old boring work again I hate this so much! I have no one to talk to even Lauren is not here I don't know what happened to her and this girl here doesn't stop talking with her boyfriend in the phone she talks too much gosh! People came to the store so I went to them to see what they want I looked at the girl :" aren't you gonna help me? ", the girl :" plz give few minutes " I rolled my eyes I continued what I was doing.....
After hours later it was time to leave god I'm so tired working as Jack's assistant wasn't that tiring! Ugh I really wanna know what made him do this how is he acting like this!? I took my things and made my way outside I remembered that Keven finish until 6 and I finish at 4 from now on ugh I'm gonna walk alone then while walking I saw a car passing by that looked familiar it's jacks! He was passing by and didn't even bother to look at me... I'm getting crazy here! Why is this happening! I took a deep breath and continued walking in the empty street I made sure to leave Keven a message so he doesn't wait for me :

Hey Keven don't wait for me I finished early today...

I was going to put my phone back in my handbag, I heard the sound of a text I quickly opened the message

Keven : Oh okay get home safe ;)

I smiled when I saw his message then put the phone back inside I think Keven really changed he's not the same Keven I Knew years ago... when Keven became a nice person Jack's turned to the opposite this is crazy...
After a long walk I arrived home my beautiful home the only place that makes me happy Bc it has the people I love in this world my mom and my little prince , I went inside when Leo saw me came running I hugged him really hard :" I missed you my little prince " Leo :" me too mommy " mom came I hugged her too Leo went back to play so I sat me and mom on the couch I tried to fake a smile but she notices I can't hide from her anything, mom :" what's wrong? I Know this fake smile ", :"you know I can't hide from you anything...its jack " mom :" what's with him? ", :" he's a liar... I shouldn't believe his lies mom " when I'm facing mom I can't hold back my tears so I let them fall , mom :" but what did he do?? What lie?", :" I thought he loved me mom he told me by himself how much he loves me and he doesn't wanna lose me he treated me like his everything he showed me the love Every girl wish but...." my voice cracked :" I don't know what happened to him its been two days he has been ignoring my calls and texts and when I went to work today he told me he doesn't want me as his assistant anymore is that a joke mom....", mom put her hand on mine :" are you sure you didn't do anything to him? ", :" no! And that's what I'm confused about how could he just change like that!? Why would he play with my feelings like that! " I started sobbing like a little child mom came closer and hugged me :" shhh don't cry please everything will be okay ", :" I put my head on her neck :" no mom nothing is okay I was scared at first to give him a nother chance Bc I was scared he's gonna break my heart again and I was right! He really did it hurts so bad mom ", mom moved my head from her neck :" look at me " I looked at her with red eyes, mom :" don't let him let you down okay? I want my daughter that stayed strong for 5 years back remember when you told me you will never cry over him again? ", :" yeah but It hurts even more now Bc I love him even more! " she didn't say anything and kept staring at me :"I'm going to rest in my room I have a headache " I stood up and made my way upstairs to my room didn't bother to remove my clothes and throw myself on the bed and kept staring at the ceiling :"when I thought things are going well again in my life it got worse than before now this is the worse day ever what can be worse than this " my phone started ringing I took the phone to see who it was omg! Lauren! I think this day is not that bad! I quickly picked up :" hello? Lauren! ", :"hello I'm not the owner of this phone ", :" what? Who are you? Where is Lauren? ", :" I found this phone in the woods where the woman's body was found " I froze in my place when I heard the last sentence :"w-what d-do you mean...", :"sorry to tell you that the woman was found ded in the woods she got killed and when I found her phone you were the first number to show up " tears started running down my face I can't believe this how! :" w-when t-this h-happened this is a joke right? She can't be ded!", :" i think she got killed like two days ago I'm so sorry ", my body is shaking this is hard to believe :" did they find the killer? ", :"no the police are still searching do you know anyone of her family? ", I said while crying :" she doesn't have anyone....." , :" this is really sad... " I put my hand on my heart my best friend died she was the sweetest ever why always the good people leave us.... The man continued :" I think her body is gonna stay in the hospital then" when he
Said hospital I remembered how she used to visit sick people in the hospital and donate blood and also told me that she's gonna donate all her organs to the patients when she dies , the man :" okay I'll hang up sorry for telling you this bad news ", :" wait wait! "  the man :" yes? ", :" can you tell the doctors that this woman wanted to donate all her organs pls this was her wish this is the only thing I can do for her after her death ", the man :" okay I'll tell them promise " I thanked him and hang up I  put the phone down and put my hands on my face what the hell is happening today all bad things happened in one day! From this side jack and from the other side my best friend got killed and I don't even know where the hell is she! Why didn't i ask the man... But she said she's gojng far away
Everything hurts! My heart my eyes! Everything I just wanna die plz god take me I don't wanna live this life! If Leo wasn't with me I would kill myself I long time ago I want to rest in peace....
To be continued

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