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after 6 days...
since jack is leaving tomorrow we thought about making a party and the one who's making it is corbyn, he's so good at making parties!... Anyways Christina is with me we are making a list of what we need we want this party to be the best party ever , Christina :"did we write down all we need?....y/n?" she shaked my arm, :"oh sorry what were you saying? ", christina :" are you okey? ", :"yeah...", I don't know what's wrong with me my mind was lost all day and my heart hurts I don't know why! Is it because of Jack....nah y/n don't think about him he's gonna leave! Stop thinking about him! I'm not gonna lie to you but I like I started liking him more everyday Jack what did you do to me..., Christina :"so what do you think? ", :"huh? What? ", christina :" don't tell you didn't hear what I said! ", :"oops... ", Christina :" y/n you're not good today you need to get some rest ", :" no I'm okey! ", Christina :" no you're not go and I'll finish by myself Okey? "she smiled at me ,:"but... " she cut me and said :"if I need any help I'll call you don't worry, now go rest when you feel better come to corbyn's house Okey? ", :"Okey fine " she said bye and left the house....i was alone at home since jack and his mom went to buy some stuff he'll need , his mom was a little sad about the idea he's leaving for too long so his dad  ,but also happy that their son is making his dream come true......
After 2 hours jack and his mom came, :"hiii Welcome back! ", mom(2): hi sweetheart", :"so what did you buy? ", Jack :"none of your business " I made a sad face, mom(2):"jack?!", jack giggled :"I'm joking come here I'll show you " my face quickly turned into a smile , I sat beside him he started showing me what did he buy I really like his taste in clothing....after showing me everything I said giggling :" can I have this shirt I really like it ", jack :"in your dreams! ", :"come on jack..." jack :"no! ", :"I was joking anyways...", mrs avery came I asked :"are you going somewhere mom? ", mom :"yes....", jack :"where?? ", mom :"the company called us we have some work to do we'll be out all night....", jack :" that means you're not coming until tomorrow? ", mom :"yes....", :"you won't see Jack before he leaves? ", mom :" probably no...." she walked toward jack and hugged him while saying :" my baby... ", jack :"mom I'm not a baby... ", she continued :"please don't be sad Okey? You know it's so important we can't skip it ", Jack :"I'm not sad mom i understand ", mom :" I will miss you so much plz take care of yourself and don't forget to text me whenever you're free tell me everything about your journey ", jack smiled while hugging her :" I will mom promise " in that moment his father walked in to the house, Mr avery :"are you ready? ", mom :" yes ", Mr avery went toward jack :"I will miss you young man " he said while hiting his chest slowly, jack :" I will too dad ", Mr avery opened his arms and said smiling :" give your dad a hug " he did like he said This is so cute awww...after they finish talking mom turned to me and said :"y/n after jack leaves don't go STay in the house like I said before you are staying with us ", :"Okey as you like " I smiled at her then they left....i looked back at jack who looked kinda sad so I thought about cheering him up so I said with a smile :"is the noodles head sad? ", jack :" I told you many times don't call me that name ", :"why noodles head? ", jack :"because I hate it! ", :" but that's the truth you have noodles head! ", jack :"say it again and you will see...", :"N-O-O-D-E-L-S H-E-A-D Noodles head! ", jack :" you got this to yourself", :"what? ", jack :" come here! "I got up and started running around the house giggling :"haha wait! ", jack :" do you think I won't get you! ", :"you won't noodles hea-" before I finish I stumbled on something was on the floor that I didn't see :"ouch that hurts!...wait jack no!" he went in top of me while I still lying on the ground , jack smirked :"were you saying? ", :"Okey i'm sorry let go of me! ", jack :" do you think I will let you go that easy? ", :"Umm.. Yes? " he smirked and brought his face closer to my face really close my heart is beating so FAAAST ! I tried to free myself , he said while looking at my lips :" stop trying to escape because you can't ", I gave up and looked at him right in eyes and said :"w-what a-are you doing to me?", :"what I wanted to do before my parents stopped me from doing it that day " before I say anything he smashed his lips on mine...KQNSKAMQA goodbe word it was nice to meet you rip Me!!!! I feel my heart is gonna stop because it's beating like crazy , his lips are like drugs to me I'm not lying!...we kept making out for like few minutes then he broke the kiss and looked at me right in the eyes :" y/n I rea-" before he finish we heard the door bell so he moved away and stood up to go see who it was , I followed him it was Daniel :"hi guys! ", :"daniiii" I went toward him and hugged him and did the same I can feel jack watching us, Daniel :"bro why aren't you answering your phone I was calling you ", jack :" oh really? I think my phone died... Is there something?" Daniel :"no nothing...I was passing by so I thought about coming ", he looked confused while looking at jack's lips :" what's that thing on your lip bro " jack wipped it off and looked at what it was...oh shit is that my...daniel said giggling :" is that a lip gloss? " Daniel looked at jack then looked at me , I think he saw my lips daniel:"oh is that y/n's..", :"Umm... Dani it was-", Daniel :"whatever see ya later at the party bye "he left the house quickly, was he mad about that? Ugh... Jack :" what's wrong with him?", :" I don't know... "
To be continued :)
Finally posted! Since I have school I will post when I'm free, I used to post every two days but now since I'm busy I will post when I'm free so sorry if I'm gonna be late :)

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