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Leo :" ouch mommy you hurt me! " Jack's eyes went wide open and said :"m-mommy? "
in This moment I didn't know what to say I was frozen in my place I couldn't even look at jack, Jack :" You didn't-" I didn't let him finish and held Leo's hand again I want to leave right now! I wanted to leave but he blocked the door :" let me leave ", Jack :" I need explanation! ", :" there's nothing to explain you see it with your eyes let me leave now ", Jack : I thought you-", :"abort the baby? No I didn't, I'm not a monster like you to kill a baby that has nothing to do with what did we do it's our fault, well your fault, I wanted to keep him bc he's my son and don't worry he Has nothing to do with you he's only my son "i tried my best not to cry , he just kept looking at me without saying a word, :" move away " I moved his hand that was blocking the door , and walked out from there leaving him behind me.....
She left the house and still can't believe what did I just see and hear that's my son... I never thought she would keep him I didn't know he existed I would ask about him I felt something inside me when I saw the little boy...he looked like me! But why no one told me about him? Why no one told me that I have a son? Why no one told me anything? , I looked at mom and said :" you knew about this? " she put her head down,   :" how could you hide somethin like this from me! ", mom :" I was going to tell you but-", :" but what! ", mom :" y/n prevented me....she didn't want you to know about anything ", :" but why.... " mom :" I don't know..." I feel bad now my heart hurts....
I'm home now I changed Leo's clothes and he's sitting watching TV now I sat in the kitchen thinking about what happened , mom :" y/n what's wrong?", :" he knows now... ", mom :" what?who?", :" jack knows about Leo ", Mom :" what! How! ", I told her what  happened, mom :" you weren't going to hide it forever y/n he would know it sooner or later ", :" I don't want him to know! ", mom :" but why! ", :" because I was scared of his reaction I was scared he wouldn't accept him and it will hurt me even more ", Mom :" why would you think that what if he didn't do what you thought about and loved Leo and as his son you didn't even give him the change to " I didn't say anything, mom :" what are you gonna do about it now? ", :" I have no idea.... anyways I'm tired I'll go sleep I have work tomorrow goodnight "
The Next day...
I took Leo To the nursery and made my way to work that i really don't wanna go to espically after what happened yesterday.....
I arrived and I went to the second floor too Jack's room I took a deep Breath before I open the door I'm gonna act like nothing happened I knocked the door and walked in he was sitting like always but he looked like he was thinking or something so I said :" Sir? ", when he noticed me he stood up I was surprised to his action, Jack :" y/n we need to talk ", :" about what? ", Jack :" look I'm sorry i-", :" If you're gonna talk about yesterday just forget about okay? It's late now to say sorry and I don't want to talk about this we're here to work ", he didn't say anything so I said :" I'll go bring your drink ", I turned around to leave but I felt a hand hold my arm so I turned back to face him again :" don't touch me " I moved his hand, Jack :" why did you hide it from me? ", :" why would I tell you and you're the one who told me to abort him? ", Jack :" bc I was scared! Scared for you that you can't take the responsibility by yourself since I wasn't with you and also you were still young to have a baby I wanted you To live your life, did you think that I hated this baby? Of course not I never did y/n I would love to have kids from you bc you're my one and only I loved you and I'll always do" I don't know what to say I just want to hug him and cry right now I can't believe what I'm hearing :"a-are you serious right n-now...", Jack :" yes and I mean every word I said ", he got me closer to him and said :" do you know how much I missed You? Did you think I forgot about you for this past 5 years? You were always in my mind " it's been 5 years I didn't hear something sweet like this I wanna cry so hard right now :" jack i-" he kissed me in that moment holy I missed his lips so much I kissed him back I wish this moment never ends but suddenly my happiness didn't last long when the door went open we quickly moved away from each other it was Olivia :" good morning! ", Jack and I said at the same time :" good morning ", Olivia :"good news there's a big party tonight many models are coming tonight be ready jack ", jack said :"y/n is coming too right ", Olivia :" if she wants to ", :"oh thank you but I don't think i-", Jack :' Yes she'll come ", Olivia :"see you later " she left the room, :" jack I didn't say I'm coming! ", Jack :"yes I know but I said you'll come ", :" no I can't ", Jack :" is it bc of the little me ?" he smiled , I kinda find it cute how's he's calling him the little him , I said whike trying to hide my smile :" his name is Leo ", Jack :' beautiful name ", :" I know " I smile , Jack :" wow this is the first time you smile for me from when I came here ", :"really? ", Jack :" yeah you were always mad at me but I'm happy you're not now ", :" who said I'm not I still didn't forgive you! ", Jack :' come on I said I'm sorry I'm really sorry ", :"I'll think about it " jack :" you're coming to the party right? ", :" I said no! ", Jack :"but Why! ", :" My mom isn't here tonight so I have no one to let Leo with ", Jack :" you can leave him with his grandma and grandpa ", :" aren't they busy ?", Jack :" no i don't think so ", :" okay then I'm coming with you ", Jack :" YAS! "
To be continued :)
It's short Ik :")

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