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jack :"do you think you can play

with me bitch..", :" jack you're

hurting me! ", jack :" I think you

want some other blue marks on

yo-" before he finish the bell

rang, he let go of me to go see

who's this, whoever rang the

door bell I love you , I followed

jack, I saw Him opening the door ,
Zach :" hi!" he walked inside wow
now I'm with two bad boys in he

same house how perfect..., Zach :"
oh y/n missed you ! " he came

toward me and hugged me I was

shock! , jack was looking at me so
I looked away I hope Zach is

staying or Jack is gonna end my

life ...,Zach :" so what are you

guys doing? ", jack :"I was going

to start playing with her but you

stopped everything when you

came " , I looked at him is he

serious..., Zach :" Oooh playing

wh- y/n what happened to your

forehead!? ", I said while looking

at jack :"ask your friend " , Zach :'"
are you responsible of this jack? ",

jack :" Yup ", Zach :" omg.... Are

you crazy! ", he said while

touching my forehead  :" ouch!

Zach! ", Zach :" sorry sorry...jack

apologize to her", oh no no Zach

this gonna make him more

angry..., jack laughed :" what? You
better be kidding Zach since

when you became polite?? ", Zach
:" hey! I might be not polite but

at least I say sorry when I hurt

people now apologize to her ",

jack :" I'd rather suck a d*ck than

apology to this bitch !", what so

aggressive... He's making me

angry :" first i don't need your

apology and second I'm not a

bitch! ", jack :" yes you are! " ,Zach
:" Umm guys can you s-", :"I'm

not! You don't even know me well
so shut up! ", Zach :"gu-" jack :

"fuck you! ", :" fuck you too! ",


jack :" tell her to shut up! ", :"

you're the one who needs to shut

up! ", Zach :" okey i'm leaving ...",

oh no no :" no! ", Zach looked at me :"

what? You don't wanna stop both

of you! ", :" okey Okey I'll stop

sorry but don't go and leave me

with him! ", I hugged him... I don't
know why I did this but

whatever, Zach :" don't worry he

won't hurt you ", jack :" that's just

the first day and you're making

me lose my mind I can't with you
sitting with me in the house! ", :"

it's your mom who wanted that..

do you think I would like to live

with you if she didn't ask ! ", Zach
:" wait wait does it mean you're

not leaving? ", :"Unfortunately

yes.." , Zach :"Ooooh that's

amazing!", jack and I said at the

same time :" NO! ", Zach :" you

said it at the same time haha

how cute " I kinda find this funny
so I smiled, I can see Jack trying

not to smile,  jack :" that's not

cute but disgusting ", I rolled my

eyes, Zach :" wait I forgot to tell

you! " , jack :" what? ", Zach :"

there's a party tonight at corbyn's
house! ", jack said smiling :

"really! ", Zach :" it's gonna be liiit

are you coming? ", jack :"is that

even a question! ", I said :" I'm

coming too ", jack :" in your

dreams ", Zach :" yes! She's

coming! ", jack :" no! ", :" yes I am..

I'm your babysister and I'm

allowed to go wherever you're

going Mr avery " , jack :"WHAT


what's the problem if she came?

", jack :" I just don't like her

around me..." , :" put in your mind

that I'm doing this Just for your

mom so if you like it or not I don't
care ", I smiled at him, jack :" you

know what fuck you I wish you

die..." he left upstairs to his room

, Zach :" wow he usually don't

listen to anyone but his parents..

", :" this is just the beginning

Zach...this is just the beginning ",
Zach :" so what are you wearing 

for tonight? ", oh shit I

completely forgot about this, :"I

don't have any clothes for parties
with me I need to go to my house.

. ", Zach :"is your house far from

here ? ", :" Just 10 mins from here

", Zach :" perfect!  Let's go get it ", :

"but jack... ", Zach :" come on he

won't even notice ", :" okey let me
get my keys.........

I took my keys and Jack's house

keys, we're on our way.....after 10

mins we arrived , Zach :" wow

this house is really beautiful ", :"

haha thank you...sit here until I

bring my things" i went quickly to
my room and searched for my

dress and high heels.... I really

love this dress it's new I quickly

took them and some makeup

and went downstairs , Zach :"

done? ", :" yes let's go " , Zach said
while looking at the dress :"oh

you will look so hot on this I feel

it " , I laughed....

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now