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After jack finished his photo session he went out from there so I followed him we stayed silent all they way back to his room on our way we met Olivia, Olivia :" did you finish your photo session? ", Jack :" yes ", Olivia :" great you have a meeting after...." she looked at her watch :" one hour , let's meet in the car after 40 mins " , Jack :" okay ", Olivia looked at me and smiled :"you too y/n ", :"me? Why? ", Olivia :" remember you're his assistant you go wherever he goes ", :" okay... " after she left jack made is way too his room he walked in and I'm still following, he sat down so I was facing him still standing up , he didn't say a word since I told him I have a boyfriend , I kept looking at him he noticed that I was looking :" what are you looking at? ", :"n-nothing " I looked away, Jack :" bring me my drink ", wine again! He's making me worried... Wait why I'm even worr-, Jack :" what are you waiting for!? ", :" sorry sir I'm going ", I left to bring him his drink , why is he drinking and he knows it hurts him... If his mom sees him she will be really mad and sad......after I brought it I made my way back to his room, I walked in and went toward him I don't want to give it to him , Jack :" give it to me " he took it from my hand and poor it himself, he didn't ask me to do it for him!?.....
I looked at the time it's time to go! :" Sir? ", Jack :" what? " he said without looking at me, :" it's time to go ", he stood up and walked out from the room and leaving me behind him so I ran out to follow him....
We went down to the first floor and made our way too the car many fans were there so Jack's bodyguards were with us so they will let us pass screams and people tryna touch him, we quickly went inside the car I was looking through the glass of the car shocked of what just happened omg this is really crazy, Olivia :" this is the first time you come on time I'm Suprised ", she then looked at me and saw how Suprised I am from the fans , Olivia :"don't worry you'll get used to it y/n " she smiled at me.....
We finally arrived to the place omg even here!? Fans and paparazzi all over the place , but thanks god we could pass we are now inside the building jack looks really calm I think he got used to all this, Olivia :"great we're on time let's go " we walked to the place, a man :"Mr avery and his manager we were waiting for you please come inside " he then looked at me, Olivia :" she's his assistant she will come in with us " we walked inside 2 people were there a nother man came to us and spoke I think he's the boss :" hello Mr avery it's good to see " he shaked his hand, shaked Olivia's hand then mine, we all sat down I sat next to jack while olivia next to the boss facing us, Jack and Olivia and the man started talking about their business That I really don't understand , so I just set there looking around me, I don't know why but I noticed that the boss was talking to jack and looking at me time to time why is he looking at me?? I tried not to make eye contact with him......
It's been like an hour now we're here and I'm bored as fuck aren't they tired of talking!? A woman gave jack papers to sign them I think, while waiting for him to do it the man looked at me and said :" I would like to know who's this pretty young lady with you" he smiled , What the... Olivia looked at me and said smiling :" oh that's Mr avery's assistant ", the man :" interesting..." what does he mean by that, he continued :" out of our business Mr avery I want this girl to work in my company so would you like to-" wth is he saying!?!, when jack heard what did he say he smashed the paper on the table really hard we all got shocked to his action , Jack :" are we here to talk about my assistant? " from his voice he sounds mad, man :" oh Mr avery I didn't mean-", Jack :"I think you're interested in her than me WORK WITH HER THEN! ", oh no he's really angry what do I do!, Olivia :" jack calm down! ", the man :" I'm sorry I didn't-", Jack :" I'M-".... he stopped when I held his hand under the table , he looked at me then his hand that I'm holding , I quickly removed my hand and looked away I feel really embarrassed right now! , but all what matters now that he calmed down, he signed the papers and stood up so we did, the man :" Mr avery I-", Jack :" never mind I'm going now ", he walked out , Olivia :" goodbye Mr thank you for having us....let's go y/n " we both went out quickly from there, Olivia :" wth happened to him, he never did that.. " , :"I'm sorry it's all bc of me " ,Olivia :" no don't say that sometimes he gets crazy ".....
We were in the car going back thinking about what happened few minutes ago why would he do that just bc of me!? Why did he calm down when I held his hand... Why did I even do that! Omg I feel embarrassed what would he think now the problem is that I didn't know what to do that's why I held his hand....
We arrived back I saw Lauren waving at me so I went toward her , Lauren :" I'm bored without you ", :" me too I hate this work so much!", Lauren :" talk with the boss maybe he'll change his mind? ", :"Mr avery is the one who can decide so I Can't do anything...", Lauren :" ugh anyways where were you? ", :" we went for a meeting ", Lauren :"oh okey....what time is it? ", I looked at the time :" it's 4pm....wait! Leo! I forgot again I need to go get him! ", Lauren :" but don't you need to ask for a leave first? ", :"ugh yes " I quickly went to the second floor searching for Jack,  he must be in his room I opened the door without even knocking :" Sir! " , he looked at me , :" I need to leave ", Jack :" why again? ", :" I just need to leave ", he put his head down back to what he was doing and said :" your work ends at 6pm ", :" what! But yesterday i-", Jack :" yesterday you left without my permission ", :"sorry but I need to go " I was going to open the door but he said :" if you open this door say goodbye to your work ", is he serious right now! He's making me angry :"you don't understand why I'm leaving! ", Jack :" then tell me! ", :"I can't...", Jack :" did you miss your boyfriend that you can't wait to see him anymore? ", y/n just calm down he's just trying to make you angry , :"Okay Sir I'm not leaving until 6pm I'll make a call and I'll be back ", I went out of the room and started thinking about who to call they are all at work!, mom isn't home, maybe mrs avery? I have no one to call but I'm embarrassed to call ,yesterday I was really rude with her I hope she's not mad
, I typed her number and called after few Seconds she picked up , mrs avery :" hello?", :" hello Mrs avery ", mrs avery :" oh hi y/n is there something? ", :"Umm... I need your help ", Mrs avery :" did something happened!? ", :" no no I just need someone to pick up Leo from the nursery I can't pick him up bc I'm at work and I won't finish until 6pm plz can you do it for me? ", mrs avery :" of course! ", :" thank you so much ! See you later " I ended the call and went back inside Jack's room, Jack :"are you happy now? ", :" what do you mean? " , Jack :" when you talked with your boyfriend ", :" yes I'm really happy ", Jack :" I wonder if he knew that you cheated on him ", :" what do you mean by cheating on him!? ", Jack :" remember you held his hand " he said while pointing at his left hand, I didn't think he would talk about it! :" I didn't mean to do it, it was just a mistake! ", Jack :" oh really? " he said while standing up and walking toward me, Jack :"was it really a mistake? ", :"y-yes" this time I'm facing him and looking at him right in the eyes, suddenly my back was smashed to the wall he's really close to my face , Jack :" this is also a mistake and this..." he was going to kiss me but the door went open :" jack I- what the... " it was Ashley oh shit! jack quickly acted like he was reproving me :" WHAT DID I TELL YOU! YOU KEEP MAKING THE SAME MISTAKES! ", for a second I felt it was for real I got scared I closed my eyes and said :" sorry sir I won't do it again! ", Ashley :" jack stop doing this to her! She's really kind! ", :" she hit his shoulder ", he moved away from me , Ashley :"don't be sad Okay " she said to me, :" I'm okay " , Jack :" why did you come? ", Ashley :" you told me this morning you wanna a haircut ", Jack :" let it for tomorrow " , Ashley :" okay as you want I'm leaving ", she looked at me :" see you y/n " and she left....
It was time to leave finally! I took my things and went out from Jack's room before him , on my way I found Olivia :" oh y/n can you help me with his ", she was holding things :" sure ", Olivia :" thank You ", I walked with her until we reached the place Olivia :" thank you again", :" no problem " I smiled at Her,  Olivia :" did he leave? ", :" I think so " , Olivia :" he must left without a bodyguard again , he hates going with them since he's staying at his parents house ", :"parents house?? " , Olivia :" If you don't know Jack's used to live here before he became a model, and his family and friends lives here he was so happy to be back here after 5 years that's why he wants to stay with his parents he's staying for 3 months here and we'll be back to France ", :" oh okay " wait... If he's going to his parents house is that mean that... Leo! Oh shit :" I need to go bye " I ran out from there quickly and Made my way to jacks house plZ don't be there plZ don't be there......
I finally arrived after a long walk, I knocked on the door I'm hoping Jack's not here , mrs avery opened the door , she said :" oh you're finally here Leo was waiting " , I walked inside :"where is he? ", mrs avery :" he's upstairs playing in.... Jack's room " I didn't say anything I just ran up stairs directly to jacks room :" Leo! ", Leo :" mommy I missed you! ", :" me too let's go now ", Leo :" but mommy I want to pla-", :" no come! " I held his hand and walked out from that room and made my way downstairs, Leo :" mom why are you running! ", mrs avery :" what's wrong why-", :" thank you again for picking him up but I need to go now " I was going to open the door and suddenly it went open and here I was standing face to face to the person that I didn't want him to see Leo it
Was jack , he looked at Leo then me, he looked confused my heart is beating so fast I was so stressed that I didn't feel I was holding Leo's hand really hard, Leo :" ouch mommy you hurt me! " Jack's eyes went wide open and said :"m-mommy? "
To be continued :)

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