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~Ignore mistakes~


/N P.O.V
I'm in corbyn's house I took all what I need with me , me and Christina are getting ready in Christina's room, christina :"are you better now? ", I said while wearing my dress :"yes, I'm better ", she smiled at me then she continued doing her makeup, I said :"christina since when you and corbyn have been together? If you don't mind me asking..." , christina :" 2 years and a half ", I was like wow :" that's so cute! You guys are couple goals like you were made for each other ", Christina :"aww thank you!.....and you do you have a boyfriend or had one? ", :"yes...i had one but we broke up bc he cheated on me ", Christina :"oh... Sorry fo-", :" haha no that's okey i don't even care ", Christina :" how can someone cheat on a pretty girl you! ", :"Aww stop I'm blushing ", christina :" I mean it you're so pretty I still don't understand how didn't jack fell for you ", :" why would you think he does? " I said without looking at her, christina :"I don't really know I just feel it... I feel he really likes you y/n ", I wish you were right... I know he doesn't but why did he kiss me? I don't understand him..., Christina :" are you done? ", :" oh yeah!", Christina :"Okey come sit here so I can do your makeup "

I'm getting the drinks we bought me and corbyn from the car...we got them all inside the house, Zach :"did you get all of them? ", :" yes", Zach :" good everything is ready ", corbyn :" where is jonah and corbyn ?", Zach :" they are getting ready "  Daniel :"and the girls? ", zach :" they are getting ready too ", Daniel :" Okey take this to the kitchen " Zach took them from my hand and went to the kitchen and corbyn too , I went upstairs to the room that jack and Jonah are in.... I walked in :" are you done? ", Jonah said giggling :" for me yeah but jack is still fighting with his noodles ", jack :" finally! " we both looked at jack, :" Are you done? ", jack :" yes, daaamn look at me looking so good ", I rolled my eyes jack is always like that!, jack :" is y/n ready? "
, :"I don't know " jonah :" I'll go first " jonah left it left just me and Jack in the room, jack :"you look good bro ", :" you too " , jack :"btw why were you angry when you were in my house? ", :" I wasn't angry.. ", jack :" it's not just me like also y/n thought you were angry ", :" nah...anyways let's go " we left the room...

We are finally ready!, Christina :"wow... " , :" what? " Christina :" giiirl look at you so beautiful! ", :"not beautiful as you!", Christina :" haha shut up we both know you're the queen of This party tonight ", I blushed..., Christina :" Aww look at you...let's go I here voices , I think the people are here" she hold my hand then walked out of the room....... We went downstairs wow there are so much people in here! It's all because of Zach he invited all the people he knows and even asked them to bring their friend thanks god corbyn's is big , Christina :" they are there" she went to their direction so I followed her, corbyn :" Oooh ma girl and y/n are here! ", they all looked at us, corbyn :" both of you look fantastic " , we said thank you while smiling :" you too guys looks fine as hell ", I looked dani and Jack that were standing beside each other Biiiich they look so hot...
I tried to stay calm and normal as much as I can Biiiich look at them looking so good I'm melting, both of them were staring at me, I went toward them , the said at the same time :" you look so beautiful tonight " they looked at each other Shocked that the said it at the same time :" haha thank you ", I continued :"btw where is Zach? ", dani :" he must be in the kitchen " , jack :"nah here he is " we saw him coming toward us when he saw me his mouth went wide open , Zach :"y/n!", :"Haha what? ", Zach :"so sexy ", he holds my hand and said screaming :" EVERYONE THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND! " all the Attendees looked at us for a moment then returned back to what they were doing I to said Zach :" the hell you're doing! ", jack :" you wanna die right? ", Zach smirked :" why ? Do you like y/n ?", Jack was going to say something but dani said before him :" what are you saying Zach? uhm I mean EVERYONE LET'S ENJOY THIS PARTY! ", the music turned on so we started dancing all of us the music was so high we barely can hear each other! Jack was behind me I can feel his body touching mine! So I turned around to face him and put my both hands on his chest so he smirked at me then out his hands around my waist , I like the way he touch me... Wait... No...y/n why can't you understand he's leaving! You won't see him anymore! Don't let your feelings for him control you... I moved his hands from and went to Christina and others that were dancing beside us I looked at jack he looked confused... :" Arw you enjoying your time? " I turned around to see who it was :" oh yeah Dani!....come on dance with me! "then jack joined us....
I'm so tired and My throat hurts! I've never danced and screamed that much on a party! Zach :" here take drink this " he gave us a drink
, :"Zach is there alcohol in here ? ", Zach :"yes " , :"can I have one without alcohol? ", corbyn :" why don't you drink? ", :"no... " jonah :" come on try it ", :" I don't know i-", Zach :" it's just one come on!", Dani :" guys if she doesn't want to don't force her! ", Christina :"he is right...", jack :"come oon one won't effect on you ", :"Okey... " I took the drink , closed my eyes and drank it all then opened my eyes slowly , corbyn :" see nothing happened haha ", :"yeah! And It tastes good i want a nother one ", Zach :"Okey!"....
The party it finally ended the people started living they really enjoyed the party we played games and did so much things it was the best one yet! But I don't think I'm gonna make it back to Jack's house I wasn't supposed to drink that much! I said with a drunk voice :" guys why is the floor turning? ", I was going to foll but Dani holds my hand :" be drunk too much y/n", :"ThAnK WaTeRmElOn BoY Hihi " , I hugged him...

Christina :" Umm.. Jack you need take her she's not in her mind ", :" yes I know ", Jonah :" do you think you can drive ? you're drunk too ", jack :"yes... " , I moved her from Dani and said :" let's go ", y/n :" DoNt ToUcH mE NoOdLeS hEaD! ", I didn't listen to her hold her hand and walked the door :"bye guys and thank you for the amazing party ", Jonah :" see ya tomorrow ", :" why? " , corbyn :" to go with you to the airport stupid! ", :"oh yeah yeah anyways bye " we went out from the house and went to the car, I opened the door for y/n and put her inside then got in the car and drove off... We are on our way home I looked at y/n :" Are you sleeping?"  y/n :"Mmm..", I kept focusing on my driving I need to be careful since I'm drunk...i felt something I looked down :" y/n the hell are you doing! ", I moved her hand away from where she put it :" don't touch me there! ", y/n:"wHy... I wAnNa ToUcH IT.. ", :"daniel was right you drunk a lot...", :"I wIlL dAnIeL tHeN Hihi ", :"you're getting crazy girl ", she got closer to me , :" y/n go back to your s-" she started kissing my neck...i bite my lips :"plz don't do that... ", she whispered into my ear :" you like it don't you... " she bite my ear, I can't control myself like that....:"GO BACK TO YOUR SIT! " , y/n:"Okey... " she sat down I'm sorry but can't with you touching me you make me lose my mind espically that I didn't touch any girl since I started liking you......after few minutes we arrived I went out from the car, Opened the door for y/n and helped her go out she kept her head down :" are you mad at me? ", :"no... " I went toward the house and walked inside good that I kept the keys with me.... She looked at me :"I can walk alone ", :"You're not okey let me help you ", y/n :" didn't you say don't touch me...", :" I said just bc I would lose control while I'm driving ", y/n:"I'm sorry... " :" don't say sorry babe " I got her closer to me :" you probably won't remember what I'm gonna say right now but I really like you ", y/n :" me too " , :" you're drunk you don't know what are you saying... ", y/n :" I'll prove it to you ", :"how? ", she smashed her lips to mine and put her hands around my neck, I hold her up so she put her legs around my waist we kept kissing while I was walking up the stairs making my way to her room I put her on the bed and broke the kiss :"y/n we need to stop bc I don't think I can hold myself if we go farther than this... ", y/n :" that's what want", :" you dont k-", y/n :" I know what I'm saying! " , she pulled me so I was in top of her,  y/n :" I really like you jack you are leaving me so give me what I want ", :" what do you want? " , y/n :"you..." I'm the one who kissed her this time... While we make out she removed my shirt then I helped her remove her dress I started touching her  body up and down while kissing her neck her body is so beautiful from all the girls that I had sex with y/n's body is the best it's so soft , :"are you sure about this y/n ?", she nodded then wishpered to my ear :" let's make love~"
[(sexual content) you can imagine whatever you want]
To be continued ;)
this one was long right?;)
It's 1:01am in here I'm tired af It took me 2 hours to write this lol
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