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2 months later...
Today is Leo's birthday I'm preparing for a big birthday party since Leo loves birthdays I made a list of what I need to buy I'm happy it's weekend I don't have work I'll focus on the party I'm waiting for Keven to come he will take me to buy I'm so thankful for him he have been beside me for the last 2 months Leo likes him a lot I'm really happy he changed...but- I'm also sad my heart still hurt from what did jack do I might smile and always act happy but deep inside me I'm hurt a lot I didn't see him in while he didn't come to his work in the last month like maybe 5 times and then stopped what's happening to him? I'm worried everytime I try to ask Olivia she's not there I need to talk to him I Know I'm mad at him but he still have my heart I can't stay like that , two months! Two months didn't speak to him...i was lost in my thoughts until Leo came to me :" mommy! "I looked at him and said :" yes? " he said while pointing at the door :" someone's knocking " I didn't hear the door at all where's mom, I made my way to the door and open it :" oh Keven hi " I smiled at him, Keven :" hi are you ready? " he walked in :" yeah yeah just let me bring the list " I ran back inside , Keven :" Happy Birthday little boy " he smiled at Leo , Leo :" thank you uncle Keven " he hugged him I looked at them and smiled while grabbing the list then said :" let's go " Leo Came and held my hand :" I want to go too mommy ", :" oh no you're staying with grandma " he crossed his arms :" Its my birthday don't say no to me " , :" ik but-" Keven :" it's okay he can come with us " Leo :" uncle Keven is the best! " he said while jumping and clapping his hands :" haha okay let's go ".....
After I bought everything I need we were going back I was putting the names of the people who I'm gonna invite :" umm okay let's see...
Daniel and his girlfriend
Jonah and his girlfriend
Zach and his girlfriend
Corbyn and Christina and-
Leo cut me off :" AND ANNAAAA! "
I covered my ears :" omg Leo calm down!" Keven was giggling I looked back at my phone and said :"okay let's continue...
Mrs and Mr and Avery and-
I stopped when I realised that I wrote Jack's name how did I- , I know he won't come.... Mrs and Mr Avery told me he stopped coming to there house he visit them but not everyday why did he became like that?, Leo :" mommy did you invite jack? " I looked at Leo :" j-jack won't come sweetheart ", Leo :" why! It's my birthday I want him to come he is my friend! ", :" I Know but jack is b-busy " Keven looked at me I tried to look normal I don't want Keven to notice my sadness but I think I failed, Keven :" Leo let's talk about this later okay? ", Leo :" but promise me jack is gonna come.." why would he promise about something won't ha- , Keven :" promise " I looked at him confused , Leo :" okay! I really miss him I didn't see him in long time! " Leo sat back in his sit while looking out from the window, I said whispering :" how are you gonna do that? ", Keven :" do you know where does he live? ", :" n-no I don't he used to live with his parents but i think he moved out " Keven :" ask his parents and tell me I'll go and talk to him ", :" no no you're not you know how much he hates you! " Keven :" I know but I'm doing this for leo ", :" but-" he cut me off by placing his hand on mine :" I promise he will come tonight to Leo's birthday " he stopped then continued :" trust me" he said still his hand on mine I took a deep breath and said :" o-okay I trust you " I faked a smile he smiled back....
We're back home Christina and the others are here they came to help me preparing they are the best Anna was playing with Leo Zach and Kay were with them we told them to keep Leo away from us so he doesn't see what we are doing Daniel brought the birthday cake and the others were continued preparing I looked at the time the party will start in few hours I then remembered jack I'm wondering what is gonna Keven tell him I hope things will go well...
I'm on my way to Jack's house well I hope this is the right address? Y/n said his mother wasn't sure but anyways I'm going I'll make him come I don't know what kind of man is he , he has a beautiful woman in his life and a son but he doesn't even care about them! I dreamed to have y/n as my wife and have a little baby but things didn't go well I know I was such d*ck I got everything fucked up but I wanted to change I'm gonna prove for her that I'm better now I'm not the old Keven I want her to be happy if jack isn't gonna make her happy I can I know that she still love him and care about him but I can help her forget about him....i stopped the car beside a house I think this the house according to the address I went out from the car and made my way to the door I took a deep breath then knocked the door no answer I knocked again nothing I kept knocking still nothing maybe he's not here? I tried do call his name :" jack?...jack are you here? " no one answered I looked up there's lights on its means he's here no? :" jack! " okay I know this is wrong but I need to talk to him I tried to open the door it's open?? I walked inside the lights were all off man does he live alone here this house is really creepy thanks god I found where to turn the lights on
I started walking inside looking around this house doesn't look like someone living here at all there's nothing here I hope I didn't come to the wrong house I decided to go upstairs :" jack? " I called his name while going up :" is anyone here?....ja-" I stopped when I heard the sound of someone vomiting I kept following the sound until I saw who it was :" what the hell! " I quickly ran to him it was jack lying on the ground blood all over his mouth :" bro what the hell happened to you!? " he looked at me right in the eyes he doesn't look like the old jack I knew this jack looks completely different red eyes so pale,  weak and sick , he said with a low voice :" what brought you here how did you know my pl-" he started coughing, :" it doesn't matter just tell me what happened to you! ", jack :" let g-go of me it's none of your business leave n-now " he moved away from me and tried to get up I kept looking at him he looks really sick :" jack I can take you to the hospital you don't look g-" , jack :" I don't need your pity just leave this house and act like nothing happened ", :" I can't this is really bad jack you were vomiting blood! Is this sounds normal to you?? " jack :" yeah! just fucking leave me alone! " he started washing his mouth from blood then looked at me again :" don't act like you care okay? I know who you are you like what you're seeing right now huh? " , :"why do you hate me so much? I tried to change I'm a different person now I wanted to be friends with you but you hated me even more why? Is it bc I'm  close to y/n ? Are you scared I would take her from you? " jack started laughing then looked at me again :" I used to be mad about you around her but now? I don't give a fuck she's all yours even her son if you want " I can't believe what I'm hearing right now :" what kind of people are you? Don't you have a heart?! " jack :" my heart is ded I don't care about anyone anymore " I'm mad really mad :" you just played with her this what you wanted?! She's hurt because of you! " he didn't say anything :" she's broken bc of you do you know how much she suffered bc of you? And she kept blaming herself she thought she did something to you but it's all your fault! " jack :" did you finish with your little drama? Plz leave my house or I'm gonna force you to leave", :" don't worry I'm leaving but I just wanted to tell you something before I leave it's why I'm here anyways " he didn't say anything :" it's Leo's birthday today he wanted you to come to his birthday so bad but I think you said you don't care anymore so I'm just wasting my time here but remember that he's your son your own son Jack " I stepped out from the bathroom I hope there's still some fatherhood feelings
Somewhere inside him I promised Leo and y/n I'm gonna bring him with me...
I went downstairs and made my way to the door went out and made my way to my car I was going to open the car door until I heard him saying :" stop " I turned around he was standing beside the door then walked toward me and said :" you said its Leo's birthday? " I nodd , he said without looking at me :" I'll come... " omg yes! I'm so happy right now! But didn't want to show him so I just said :" okay the party is gonna start soon let's meet at y/n's house ", jack :" o-okay"
everything is ready everyone is here we're waiting for Keven and jack if he's coming of course, Leo :" mommy where is uncle Keven ? And where is jack? " mrs Avery :" jack is coming? ", Mr Avery :" I'm not sure he will, you didn't see how did he become? A different person he don't even want us around him ", Jonah :" why is he doing this? ", Daniel :" yeah like is something happening to him did someone tried to speak to him? " mrs Avery :" believe me we tried ", :"he changed from the day he got that call " everyone looked at me ,corbyn :" what call?" Christina :" she means that night when we had a party he left when he got that call ", :" I don't know what's about that call but I feel that everything changed from that night ", Zach :" someone's knocking! ",
Mom :" I'll open " she went toward the door and opened it we all looked at who it was Keven..but.... Alone... I knew it i knew he won't come... Daniel :" where's jack " Leo :" uncle Keven where is jack? " Keven :" he'll be here soon " he smiled while looking at me my eyes went wide open I can't believe that! He's coming! , Leo : really! Wohooow! "
I hope he didn't change his mind look at the smile on y/ns face she's happy I know this smile its 100% real I was sure
you still have her heart jack but not for so long....
To be continued :)
Omg finally posted!
I know I'm the laziest person ever :")
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter ♥
I'm sad to tell you that This book is gonna end soon it left few chapters :")

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