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I woke up feeling arms around me Jack's hand was under my shirt and my back was touching his chest did we sleep like that all night... I don't remember falling asleep I tried to move his hands to get up....i moved them and when I was going to get up he pulled me back to the bed :" where do you think you're going " he said with a sleepy voice, :" good morning let me get up we're late for work! ", jack :" I took a day off I'm not going today ", :"what...when? And why? ", jack :" I talked with Olivia when you were sleeping bc I'm not in the mood I just wanna stay home ", :"oh... Okay anywyas I need to go have a nice day " I tried to get up but he pulled me back again :" jack! Let go! ", jack :"why are you in a rush? Did you miss your boyfriend? ", :" yes I did let go now...", after what I said he let go of me and in that moment Leo walked in :" mommy! ", :" my baby! " he jumped on the bed and hugged me, Leo :" I missed you mommy ", :"me too my baby did you sleep well? ", Leo :" yes me and grandma slept really well ", jack :" yes bc my bed is too comfortable that's why you slept well " we both looked at jack, jack :"sorry... " , :" anyways we need to go Leo it's time "Leo :" okay mommy", jack :" don't you want to spend the day with me Leo? " Leo :" yes! ", :" but he need to go to the nurs-", jack :" Woho! It will be the best day ever! ", jack got up from the bed and started running around the room while Leo following :"so he's not going today...", jack :" you can leave if you want I don't need you anymore :" oh what... How dare... Okay!....leo are you sure you don't wanna go with mommy? ", Leo :" no mommy bye", :"ugh okay I'll pick you up later " I got up from the bed and started walking I completely forgot that I'm not wearing pants jack was staring at me so i covered myself with a pillow :" what are you looking at! ", jack :"nothing..." I left the room and made my way down stairs mrs avery was there , mrs avery :" good morning did you sleep well? ", :" good morning, yes kinda....mrs avery can you do me a favor? ", mrs avery :" of course ", :"I need clothes, I changed at work and I forgot them there so I was wondering if you can give me and I'll bring them back later when I will come to pick up Leo ", mrs avery :" sure! Come with me " I followed her to her room she opened her closet :"take what you like ", :" thank you", mrs avery :" is Leo staying with Jack? ", :"yeah jack took a day off and asked Leo To stay with him ", mrs avery :" oh okay amazing but why did jack take a day off is he okay? ", :" yeah he's just tired after what happened to him yes-" oh no, mrs avery :" what happened to him!? ", :" ahm...i mean haha after the party yesterday he got tired ", mrs avery :" oh okay you didn't tell me anything about the party you just brought Leo and left" I told her about that party while wearing the clothes....after I was done I took my things :" okay mrs avery I need to go now and thank you so much for keeping Leo with you ", mrs avery :" don't thank me I love Leo and I want him always around me " I smiled at her said bye and left the house and made my way to my house.....
I arrived there went inside mom was there :"hi mom! ", mom :" oh you're finally here where were you? And where's Leo?? ", :" long story but me and Leo spend the night at avery's house ", mom :"what... You and Leo? Why? ", :" jack had a party and since I'm his assistant I went with him so I needed to let Leo with Mrs avery since you weren't here", mom :"oh... So you and Jack.. ", :" no there's nothing between me and him ", mom :" what about Leo did he find out that jacka Is his father? And where is he right now? ", :" no he didn't.....and he is now with him he said he want him to spend the day with him and I didn't want to say no ", mom :" okay...anyways a
Man came here like an hour ago and he said he was searching for you ", :" huh? A man? Searching for me? What did he want? ", mom :" I don't know he just asked for your number he said he is a friend of yours so I gave it to him ", :" all my friends have my number I don't know who is this! Why did you give it to him... ", mom :" he seemed lovely so why not ", :" anyways did he say his name? " mom :" oops I forgot to ask for his name but he said he will come back later ", :"who is this man...anyways I'm going upstairs " I went upstairs to my room I need to take off this makeup and shower......
After I finished I started combing my wet hair facing the mirror I noticed something on my neck :" is that.....A HICKEY!?...oh god JACK I'M GONNA KILL YOU! " I Don't believe he gave me a hickey! Son of a... I went out from the bathroom to my bedroom and changed my clothes dried my hair put on some make up and tried to cover the Hickey with some makeup I hope no one will notice......i went downstairs :" mom I'm going to my work to bring my clothes okay I'll be back " I went out from the house and made my way there....
Leo was running around the house screaming while Me trying to chase him but after a moment I stopped and started coughing and felt weak :"Leo..." I called his name :"Leo! " , he stopped running and said :" yes ?", :"let's play something else okay? ", Leo :" okay! What? ", :" Umm... let's play fortnite!", Leo :" what is a fortnite? ", :" it's a video game let me teach you how to play it come with me " I held his hand and walked until I arrived to the living room, mom said :" sweetheart don't you wanna eat or drink something? ", :" no thanks mom I'm fine ", mom :" I wasn't talking to you I'm talking to Leo ", Leo :" I want apple juice! ", mrs avery :" okay give me a second " , :" do you like apple juice? ", Leo : I love apple juice! " we sat on the came and gave the apple juice to leo :" thank you grandma " he then started singing a song that I think I've heard before, Leo :" I got my apple juice my apple juice I got my apple juice my apple juice ", :" haha who taught you this song!? ", Leo :" uncle Daniel! We always sing this song when we drink our apple juice! ", I smiled and said :" that's cute okay anyways let's play fortnite "......
After 30 min of trying to teach him how to play I gave up :" I can't believe I'm teaching a 5 years old boy how to play fortnite.... " , Leo :" YAAAAY I killed him! ", :" nope you got know what forget about This and let's try something else "
I arrived there I want to see Lauren i missed her when I went where she usually be I didn't find her but a nother girl :" hi..umm..where is Lauren? ", the girl :" who is Lauren? ", :" the girl that supposed to be in your place?" , the girl :" oh..that girl she stopped working here and I'm the new worker here ", :" what! Where did she go!? ", the girl :" I don't know all I know that she stopped working here sorry ", :" okay thank you " I left and made my way to the second floor while using my phone I need to call Lauren...but when I turned it on I found 3 calls from Lauren and messages... I quickly opened the messages those were from yesterday :
Lauren : hi y/n you must be asleep? Or maybe not...
Anyways I wanted to tell you that I'm moving away from here I'm not working there anymore I'm moving for my own reasons I will miss you a lot I'll call you in a few days love you ❤

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now