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I was watching TV while Jack

was in his room with a girl like

always... he brings a new girl

everyday and that make me

angry... Not only because I hate

him with others girl but bc he's

cheating on his girlfriend if he

really loved her he wouldn't do


I was watching my fav movie Until I heard

the door bell...ugh this door is

getting really Annoying I went to
open the door it was Jessie,

Jessie :"hi! ", :"oh hi jessie", Jessie
walked inside the house :"is jack

here? ", :"oh yeah he's-" I stopped.

. oh shit I just remembered that

he's with a girl, Jessie :" he's

What? ", :"oh Umm.. I mean he's

not here! ", Jessie :"but you just

said he's here... ", :" yeah but I just

remembered he's not here .." I

smiled at her, Jessie :" where is

he then? ", :"Umm.. He's... Oh

yeah he went to  visit his

grandma!", jessie:"really? ", :

"yeah... ", jessie:"Okey... When he

comes back tell him I was

searching for him", :"Okey! ", she

was going out but then she

stopped bc of the voice she

heard, i froze in my place, jack no..
.,  Jessie :" did you hear this? ", :"

no I didn't hear anything...",

Jessie :"I'm sure I heard

something! ", :"it must be the

neighbors...", but then the girl

voice was loud my eyes went

wide open when I heard her, 

Jessie :"I'm sure I heard it now! "

she moved me away and walked

toward the stairs :"no there's

nothing! " I tried to stop her but

she pushed me and ran upstairs :

"Jessie! " I quickly followed her ,

she went directly to Jack's room,

I stopped her before she open

the door :" stop Jessie ", Jessie :"

he's here right! Why are you

hiding him from me!...." she

moved me away from the door

and opened it oh shit jack you're

done... When she opened the

door she couldn't believe what

did she just saw , jessie:"jack... "

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now