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I woke up to the sound of the  

door bell that doesn't want to

stop :" what the hell is this! "I got

up from bed and went out from

the room to go see who's this, on

my way to the door :" I'm coming!

" god I'm still sleepy , I opened

the door :"who... Oh " I stopped, 

girl :" who are you...and what are

you doing in my boyfriend's

house! ", I said with a sleepy

voice :" I'm his babysitter", girl :" I
didn't know he has a babysitter...

", :" you know now... excuse me if

you don't need anything I'm

going " , I was going to close the

door , girl :" I need jack! ", :" he's

still sleeping come later...who are
you btw? ", girl :"his girlfriend! ", :"
which one? ", girl :"excuse me...

What do you mean by which one!

", before I say anything I felt a

hand pulled me away from the

door it was jack....he took my

place :" babe! ", girl :"jack! " she

hugged him :"I missed you ", jack

:" me too babe " , I rolled my eyes,

girl:"I thought you're sleeping ",

jack :" I just woke up ", they went

to sit while I just kept standing

there after closing the door, :

"didn't you say you were staying

alone? ", jack :"I was...until mom

asked this thing to come over "

the girl looked at me up and

down , :"excuse me but I have a

name..." , jack didn't bother to

answer me , girl :" I was so happy

to come to see you after being in

France ", wait.... Is that means

that's Jessie! , jack:"I'm happy to

babe ", :"hey" they looked at me, :"
are you Jessie? ", girl:" yes why? ",
:"no I just wanted to ask " I

smiled, Jessie sat on Jack's

thighs :" let's go out today jack ",

jack :"I don't know maybe... ",

Jessie :"pleaaaase ", jack :" Okey

okey fine " , Jessie :"Yeeees " she

kissed him so he kissed back and
the kiss went too deep ugh that's

disgusting...:"Umm can you get a

room you two?", they didn't even

look at me but kept kissing so i

just let them doing there thing

and went to the kitchen... Since I

can't sleep anymore i made

coffee and then went back to

The living room ,where are they?

Weren't they here?....why am I

even asking! I don't care I sat on

The sofa and turned on the TV

and  started watching whatever I

found....i started hearing voices

upstairs omg they are so loud...(

you know what I mean ;) ) I raised
the voice of the television so that
I will not hear the sound of the

disgusting loud moaning......

After few minutes I stopped

hearing anything I think they

finished...i heard the door bell so

went to open the was a

guy that I never saw before... He

doesn't look friendly , guy :" is

jack here? ", :"yes...who are you? ",
guy :"a friend of him..can you call
him?" , :" actually he's busy right

now can you come later?", guy :

"can I ask you something? ", :

"yes? ", :"did you see him with a 

girl last night ?", why is he

asking me this... I feel something
bad is gonna happen :"n-no... ",

guy:" tell your boyfriend to be

careful...", :"he's not my boyf-" he

left before I even finish.... What

does he mean by that? This guy

is weird....i closed the door and

went back to were I was sitting

while thinking about what did

the guy said... Do I need to tell


I saw him coming downstairs

with Jessie holding hands, :"are

you going out now? ", Jessie :" yes 
and we will be back late", :"not so

late Okey?... ", jack :" can you stop
treating me like a child... ", :" I'm

your babysitter jack...", jack :" I'm

not a little girl... But a man Okey!.

...let's go babe before I get

angry ", I remembered the guy

that came few minutes ago :"jack.

....", jack :"what... ", :" I need to tell

you something... ", jack :"keep it

to yourself bc I don't care ", :" jack
it's re-" , :" whatever you wanna

say now I don't care about it

OKEY! ", he left and closed the

door after him, why Jack why

you don't listen me....
To be continued :)

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now