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5 years later....

Yup 5 years past, I'm 24 now I'm getting old haha , I will tell you the things that happened I dated Daniel for half a year but then we broke up bc we thought we're not good for each other I agree with him I wasn't into him a lot but we're still friends of course he has a girlfriend now.....jonah has one too, Zach is still searching for his true love , christina and corbyn got married! And have a beautiful 4 years old daughter she's so cute omg! her name is Anna , Leo loves her so much he always likes to play with her.... Wait you're wondering who's Leo? Well he's my son Yup remember 5 years ago? When I found out I was pregnant? Well I said that I'm gonna keep him, he has 5 years old ,he's the best thing happened to me in my life I love him so much he's the reason why I stayed strong and brought happiness to me all these 5 years , mrs avery and Mr avery loves him a lot they always come over to see him they were so happy to see their grandson around them they helped me a lot since they knew it was their son's  fault I'm so thankful for them !, Mrs avery always tells me that Leo looks like jack when he was young! She showed me his pics as he was young omg they look like a lot!

 Wait you're wondering who's Leo? Well he's my son Yup remember 5 years ago? When I found out I was pregnant? Well I said that I'm gonna keep him, he has 5 years old ,he's the best thing happened to me in my life I love him so much he's the reason...

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Anyways I need to get ready for work btw I work in clothes store it's the most famous store in here we often work with famous people and models it's my second year in this work so I know what's going on thanks to my friend Lauren we've been friend...

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Anyways I need to get ready for work btw I work in clothes store it's the most famous store in here we often work with famous people and models it's my second year in this work so I know what's going on thanks to my friend Lauren we've been friends for 2 years now she's the one who helped me to get this work , I really needed this work to help mom she's getting old she can't take the responsibility on her own she was here always for me and helped me taking care of Leo...
:"Leo! ", I was running after him omg he's driving me crazy this little trouble maker!, :" Leo come here! We need to go! " , Leo :" I don't want to! I want to play with Anna! ", :" I'll take you later to see her but now we need to go" , Leo :" Okey mommy " I held his tiny hand , :" mom we're going see ya later! ", mom :"Okey bye ", Leo :" bye grandma " , mom :" bye my little angel " we got out from the house I need to take Leo first to the nursery, Leo :" mommy can we go to uncle Zach after? ", :" maybe ".........
After I took Leo I made my way to my work I looked at the time oh shit I'm late! So I ran....
I finally arrived I'm out of breath I quickly wore my work clothes and took my place beside Lauren :" hi " , Lauren :" hi y/n late again " , :" you know that I need to take Leo to the nursery ", Lauren :" lucky you the boss didn't come check ", :"yes thanks god " , Lauren :" did you hear who's coming today? ", :" who? ", Lauren :" a famous model ", :" is that something new? ", Lauren :" but this one is really known! He's coming to our store today ", :" nothing new to me ", Lauren :" I heard that girls do crazy things just for him they die over him he's so hot ", :" Pfff this is crazy ", Lauren :" I can't wait to see him! Aren't you excited?! ", :" nope I don't care and I would never care " , Lauren :" Pfff why are you always like that! You never told me about a guy that you like..." , she got closer to me, :" what? ", Lauren :" are you by any chance lesb... ", :" no! Are you crazy! Of course no ", she started laughing :" chill I'm just joking...anyways we'll see if you're gonna resist this one maybe he'll steal your heart " she winked at me, :" he won't trust me " no one will take my heart again one person took my heart jack... Jack avery I know I said I don't wanna hear about him anymore but I couldn't he took my heart forever I wonder how is he? Did he change? It's been so long! 5 damn years! Daniel and the others didn't talk with him too they lost contact with him since he was busy all the time.....
I was doing my work until Lauren came to me and said :" y/n y/n !", :" what? ", Lauren :" the boss wants you in his office...", :" did you tell him anything!? ", Lauren :" no no I didn't! ", :" ugh okey take care of this Untill I come back " I made my way to his office.... I knocked on the door...:" come in ", i took a deep breath and opened the door walked in and closed the door behind me, :" good morning sir did you want to see me ?", the boss :" yes, do you know why I asked to see you?" Okey i got exposed for sure:" sir I can explain it was just bc of my son and-", the boss :" what are you talking about? ", wait I think it's not about this... :" I mean haha no Sir I don't know why did you asked to see me ", the boss :" a special guest is coming to day so I want you to organize everything ", :" is it that model? ", the boss :" yes ", :" okey sir I'll take care of everything ", the boss :" good you can go now ", I went out from his office....
Lauren came to me :" What did he say! ", :" nothing important just about that model i don't know what's so special about him we always see models here why this one is so special! You know what I already hate him " , Lauren :" haha shut up and get back to work "
I wonder who is this... I don't know why I got a bad feeling about it....
To be continued :)

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