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Few minutes ago We arrived to

the house , jack was resting in

his room and Jessie was with

him I want to go check on him

and talk to him but he wouldn't

care about me..... I saw Jessie

coming so I asked :" is he feeling

better? ", Jessie :"yes he's

sleeping right now , my mom

called I need to go ", :" Okey...",

Jessie :" plz take care of him ,

from what did you do to him

today I really trust you...its

because of you he's good now

thank you ", :" nah that's fine

that's  my duty since I'm his

babysitter ", she hugged me I was
kinda surprised but then I

hugged her back....jessie :" bye " I

said bye to her then she left...

I looked at the time it's late and

I'm tired af so I went upstairs I

was going to get inside my room

but I then I thought about

checking on jack since he's

asleep....i went toward his room

before I open the door I took a

deep breath...i went inside the

room and walked toward his bed

then I sat on the edge of it i

started looking at him he looks

like an angel while he's sleeping.

.. I got closer to him wow that's

the first time i get that close to

him ,wait.... Since when he has a

nose piercing! I never noticed it...
I was going to touch it but he

grabbed my arm before I do, what
the....  Jack :" don't you dare... ", :

"w-weren't y-ou sleeping... " , jack
:"no... ", :"Jack my arm? ", he let

go of it, jack :" why did you

come here", I said without

looking at him :" to check on you..

..anyways since you're fine I'll go

good night " I got up and went 

toward the door,  jack :"hey...", I

stopped and said without looking
at him :"yes? ", Jack:"thank you...

", my eyes went wide open did I

hear right or... :"w-what... ", jack :"
I'm not gonna say it again ", :" I

heard you...why are you thanking
me? ", jack:" Jessie told me what

did you do for me ... ", :"oh okey...

Good night ", jack :"good night to

you too "....i left his room and ran

to my room , I closed the door 

and jumped on the bed I can't

believe this there's a wide smile

on my face! He said thank you

and then good night! Biiiich I

don't knowwhy I'm so happy

about that! Jack avery! Said that

to me! This is the first time I'll

sleep happy since I came here!, I

wish he will stay like this all the Time...
To be continued :)
I know it's short promise the next one is longer ♡

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now