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Sorry if there is any mistake in what I write bc I write quickly and sometimes I don't verify what I write ,also English is not my first language so... 😅
anyways enjoy!

I think everything is ready I

prepared the things that jack

told me that we will need in

the camping trip , I heard a

knock on the door it must be

them I was going to open the

door but jack did , it was Zach, 
Zach :" hey guys ", jack :"hey

bro " , Zach :"are you ready?",

Jack :"yes , where is the

others? ", Zach :" they are

waiting in the car ", after he

finished what he was saying

he looked at me :"y/n Daniel

told me you are coming! ", I

said smiling :" yes..", Zach :"

amazing Okey let's go ", zach

went out first jack followed

him then me I was the last to

go out to close the door.. after

making sure it's closed I went

to the car , I opened the back

door of the car there was

christina, Zach and Daniel and
Jack and there is enough

space for other people

wow this car is really big , :

"where do I sit?", Daniel :" you
can sit beside me " I got in the

car and sat beside him like he

said , Jonah was the driver

and Corbyn was sitting beside

him.....after taking my place

Jonah drove off, christina said
smiling :" nice to see you

again y/n ", I said smiling :"me
too", Zach :" is it the first time

you go to a camping trip? ", :

"yes...", christina :" oh you will
really enjoy it " :"I hope so..." I

looked at jack that was

focused on his phone then

Turned my face to Jonah and

asked :"is it far? ", Jonah :"one

Babysitting the #BADBOY ||jack avery|| Where stories live. Discover now