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it's been an hour! He still didn't come my heart hurts I thought he was coming that's what Keven said no? This is a lie...
Leo :" where is jack! ", mrs Avery :" just start this party he won't come it's been an hour " Jonah :"I think mrs avery is right" , I said while looking at the door :"yeah... " Leo :" you lied to me ! Uncle Keven said he's coming!" , :" but it's been so long we've been waiting my love he won't come " Leo said with a sad face :" okay... " Zach came toward us and said :" hey it's your birthday don't be sad come on let's have some fun! " he was going to turn on the music until we heard a knock on the door Daniel went to open it.....and there was the surprise it was jack! We were all shocked when we saw him he went inside and looked at us saying :" hi everyone " is this really jack? But... Why is he like this he looks so pale so weak and sick what's wrong with him, they all went toward him and hugged him and said hi  Leo said while hugging him :" I knew you would come! " jack hugged him back and said smiling :" of course " I was the only one who didn't say anything to jack I just kept my distance while staring at him something in my heart tells me something wrong mom was standing beside me :" what's wrong y/n ?", I faked a smile :"oh nothing turn the music on " mom did like I said, Zach :" let's go baby! " he brought them all to the middle of the living room and started dancing Anna and Leo were dancing too while Jack was standing with his parents talking they must missed him Keven came to Me and said :" why aren't you dancing? " I said without looking at him :" I don't want to " Keven :"look at me" he turned my face to look at him :" it's your son's birthday you need to be happy for him I know you don't want to but at least try for him you wanted me to bring him and I promised I will why are you sad now? ", :"i-...i-i don't know just don't worry go dance with Leo " Keven :" you know that I don't know how to dance y/n ", :" oh yeah how did I forget " Keven :" remember when you tried to teach me how to dance? " I smiled :" it was a mess haha "
he looked at me deep in the eyes and said :" that's the smile that I wanted to see keep it for me " he put his hand on my cheek...okay why I'm blushing! No no y/n he's just a friend....:"um..uhm...i think mom is calling me " I walked pass him to the kitchen omg what just happened... Mom :" are you okay? Your face is so red " , :" y-yeah !" mom :" by the way I talked to jack ", :" really! What did you talk about " mom :" he just asked me if I'm good " , :"oh.. He didn't say anything about me? " mom :" no he didn't ", :" okay... Anyways is everything ready? " Mom :" yeah call them to come eat " I made my way back to the living room :" hey everyone dinner is ready! " Leo and Anna were the first to go and then the others followed....we all took our places....Leo :" mommy I want my birthday cake ", :" after dinner my love " we started eating I took a quick look at jack from when he came he didn't look at me does he hate me that much? Until now I'm still confused about the reason he changed like that I noticed he didn't eat much why? Corbyn :" bro why aren't you eating? " jack :"I'm not hungry that's why I didn't eat much ".......
Dinner was done we went back to the living room we all sat while Daniel and Jonah brought the birthday cake Leo looked so happy he loves birthday cakes Christina lit the candles after she was done we started singing for Leo who was smiling I love seeing him smiling like that I hope this smile never leaves your face my little angel....
After we finished singing Leo turned off the candles while we clapped our hands for him I went to him and hugged him :" Happy Birthday my little prince I wish you all the happiness in this world I love you " Leo :" I love you too mommy so so much " I smiled at his words.....
mom and Mrs avery was cutting the birthday cake and giving them Leo went directly to the gifts :" Leo eat first your cake! ", Leo :" gifts first! ".....
He opened all of them Daniel :" do you like them? " Leo :" I love theeem! Thank you all of you " I said while putting down a box in front of him :" you still didn't open mommy's gift " he took it and open it :" what is the...OMG! A TURTLE! " he jumped on me and started kissing my face I was giggling he always wanted a turtle , Leo :" thank you moooommy!!! ", :" you're very welcome my baby " Zach :" look at this turtle it's so cuuuute " he looked at me :" mom can I have one too? " we all started laughing , I saw jack opening the door is he leaving? Keven :" jack are you leaving? " jack :" no my gift for Leo is in the car " Leo :" a nother gift yaaay" he left and after few seconds he went back it was quick it was a box it's kinda big he put it on the table we all went around the table, Leo :" what is this? " jack smiled and said :" open it and you'll see " before he open it it started shaking Leo took a step back, corbyn :" what did you bring jack!? " Leo opened it slowly it's.... A puppy! Leo :" PUPPPPPY! " he took it out from the box it's a small puppy they all went like :"awww it's so cuuuute " the puppy started licking Leo's face so he was giggling , mrs avery :" he already Loves you Leo ", Leo :" thank you jack! I love it! I have a turtle and a puppy now what should I name them? " , Zach :" name the dog noodles since jack brought it " jack :" what no! " Leo :" I like it so it's noodles Hiii noodles !" he said while looking at the puppy, jack :" Zach you're ded" we laughed.......
Mrs avery and mom were talking Keven was talking with jack while the others were sitting with Leo playing with noodles and the turtle I looked back at jack and Keven I wonder what are they saying JACK P.O.V
Keven :" you did great tonight you're not bad at the end ", :" he's my son what do you think " Keven :" I thought you don't care about anyone anymore ", :"I used to but now I kinda feel bad about what I did but I needed to " , Keven :" why did you even do that..." I looked down :" I have my reasons ", Keven :" well bro you lost her like that she will never love you again after what you did ", I smiled :" I know and that was the point of doing this I just want her to be happy " he looked confused :"you want her to be happy by hurting her? ", :" I know it hurts at first but she will get over it and move on with her life I hope she will find her happiness with Someone else ", Keven :" you're really weird " I smiled, Keven :"I'll make her happy ", :" well good luck with that " Keven :"I'll make her forget you don't worry " he smirked, :" you are the last person I thought about you know how much I hate you but what can I do at least I won't be here anymore at least I won't see you so good luck bro ", Keven :" what do you mean by you won't be here? Oh wait you're going back to Paris? ", :" Paris of the other side yes " keven:"what... " :" anyways take care of her and Leo make them happy for me " I whispered :" at least I'll die happy" he didn't say a word and kept looking at me I don't know why my heart hurts so much right now every word I said it just hurting I said without looking at him :" you know what
it was a bad decision I regret everything I did I thought it was the best thing to do but it hurted me even more I can't hide my feelings I can't stop thinking about her I love her but...i can't go back now but there's one thing I want to do before I leave " Keven :" what? " , :" I want to hug her I know she hates me but I'll do it anyway " Keven :" don't ", :" why? " Keven :" just don't ", :" don't tell me what to do bc I'm doing it move away " I walked pass him I started looking around I need to find y/n where is she ? :" hey mom did you see y/n ?" mom :" no son ", y/n's mother :"she went upstairs ", :"okay thanks " I made my way upstairs I can see Keven staring at me
I was thinking while going to my room to bring my charger....after I took it was going to leave when I turned around my eyes met Jack's eyes what is he doing here! my heart started beating so fast I turned around he's facing my back , i heard him saying :"y/n" I froze in my place when I heard my name I said without turning :" y-yes? " he said :
" how have you been? " so he wants to talk now : it doesn't matter to you anyways so why are you asking " jack :"if that's what you think you're wrong bc I do care about you a lot ", :" jack stop lying I'm done with your lies I can't handle your lies anymore " jack :" I'm not lying look at me " I turned around and faced him looked deep into his eyes there's no sign of any lie :"can I know why did you do all of this ?" jack :" I can't tell you " he put his head down, :" for the last 2 Months I felt that you're hiding something from me and I'm sure about it now am I the reason? Did I hurt you ? Just tell me bc I'm getting crazy " jack :" you're not the reason I have have my own reasons that's why I stayed away for the last few months it's better for all of us trust me ", :" it's not for me! Do you know how much It hurts jack!" tears left my eyes :" it fucking hurts! I regret the day I loved you..."
Y/n :" I regret the day I loved you... " this last sentence hit me really hard in my heart but I deserve it I deserve everything is happening :"I'm sorry " ,she said while crying :" sorry for lying to me? Sorry for leaving me broken? Sorry for what exactly bc there's so many things and that explains how much you've hurt me jack I'm done with this I'm tired of all of this " , :" please forgive me this is all for you and Leo ", y/n :" what are you talking about! Is leaving me broken a good thing to you? ", :" you'll understand everything soon "
He came closer to me and hugged me really hard I was shock to his action , jack :" I'm sorry r-really s-sorry" he sounds like he's about to cry jack :" this is my fate y/n I'm sorry I can't do anything about it I just wanted to live a happy life with you wanted you as my wife I wanted Leo to know I'm his father and live as a family but this won't exist bc of a big mistake I did I destroyed everything y/n..." he was crying this is the first time I hear him crying I hugged him back I'm crying to :" j-jack what are talking about...", jack :" I thought I can deal with this I thought I can stay strong until the end but I can't y/n I love you so much you mean the world to me " he kept crying I hugged him even more :" why are you doing this if you love me you know how much I love you too and that's what broke me the most that I love you! ", jack :" no no plz hate me I don't want you to love me " I broke the hug :" what's your problem jack? You're acting weird just tell me what's wrong! Why you don't want me to love you " I was looking at his red eyes , jack :" just-" he started coughing really hard then fall on the ground still coughing :" jack? What's wrong!? Are you okay? Jack!" I moved his hand from his mouth there was blood :" what the hell!? OMG! WHAT IS THIS!? " every time he tries to talk he vomit blood I started screaming :"JACK! OMG WHY ARE YOU VOMITING BLOOD! " the floor was full of blood he vomited so much blood that I can't believe it's real ,he stopped for a sudden and past out :" JACK! SOMEONE HEEELP! " the door went open it was Keven :" what's happening here! "......
To be continued
Thank you so much for 20k readers 💜
I was out today too and came back late but I promised I'm posting and I did it's 5am and I'm tired af :)

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