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Next morning....
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing ,I said with a sleepy voice :"who's calling at th-" I stopped when I felt that there's a hand around my waist when I saw who it was I froze in my place.... :"What happened last night...." my heart is beating so fast I removed the blanket from me... Omg don't tell me we... I put my face in my hands :"what did I do..." I can't believe we had sex... Me and Jack had sex! I looked at jack that was sleeping I don't know what happened yesterday I don't remember anything did I say anything to him? Did he say anything? I kinda don't regret doing this....while sitting in my bed thinking I thought About taking a shower.... After I finished I wore my clothes and went back to the room while drying my hair with a towel I remembered my phone that was ringing! I quickly took it and saw who called me :"mom? " why would mom call me at 8am? I typed her number and called her , while waiting for her to answer I walked out from the room so I don't wake jack up , after few seconds she answered :"hi mom", mom :"y/n...", :"what's wrong? Are you okey? ", mom :" not me but your grandma she's really really sick you need to come she wants to see you ", :"what! Okey i'm gonna come! Bye", I quickly hang up and went back to the room took my handbag I put the stuff that I need , before I go out I want closer to jack and whispered so he doesn't wake up :"I'm sorry that I'm not gonna be with you but I need to go..i-" I stopped for a second then continued :".. I love you Jack " my heart hurts so bad tears are running down my face ,I looked at him for the last time and then left the room.... I went downstairs , I took my phone and called for a driver, me and mom know the driver because he was a friend of dad :"hello?....hi uncle sorry for bothering you but I really need your help.....i need to go to my grandma's house because she's really sick and I have no one to take me.....really!...thank you so much!" , I ended the call Thanks god I found who takes me....
After 10 mins he was here so I walked out from the house....
I got in the Car :" thank you uncle ", uncle :"don't thank me I'm always here for you and your mother " he drove off...i have 3h to arrive there ugh that's too long for me like I want so bad to arrive there!
I thought about sending jack a text to tell him that I left...while looking out from the window I was thinking about jack I'm trying to remember what happened yesterday I don't remember the feeling don't remember what did we do...ugh my head hurts so much I had a headache from when I woke up I also feel pain in my private area you went to hard on me jack avery!....
After 2 hours.....
I touched with my left hand my right side I didn't feel any body beside I opened my eyes and looked if she was there but she wasn't...where is she? Did she wake up early? Is she mad about what happened yesterday? I got up from bed and called her name :"y/n?" no answer, I went out from the room :" y/n! Are you downstairs! " still no answer so I went downstairs and checked if she's in the kitchen....she's not there? Where the hell did she go?! I heard a knock on the door so I went to open it, Zach :" HIIII! Are you ready for- the fuck jack! " , :" what? ", corbyn :" you still didn't get ready and you have a flight after one hour! ", I looked at the time it was already 10am oh shit I completely forgot, I put my hand on my forehead , christina :"just go wear your clothes and I'll collect all your things!", they went inside the house christina went to my room and corbyn went with her, :" wait guys did you see y/n ?", Daniel :" what do you mean? Was she with you or with us stupid..." , :" seriously! When I woke up i didn't find her I don't know where did she go.. ", Jonah :" where do you think she went?? " , :" I have no idea! ", Zach :" this is weird...why would she leave just like this! ", Daniel :" did you check your phone? Maybe she left a text for you? " , :"I didn't think about it! ", I quickly took my phone and checked....:" you were right she really did! " , Zach :" what did she say?? ", I opened the text :"
hi jack, you're probably wondering where did I go or you're not? anyways I wanted to tell you that I needed to leave early in the morning because my grandma is really sick and she wanted to see me I'm sorry that I won't be with you before you leave don't be mad at me Okey i hope you'll understand have a safe flight ♥
She really left.... Daniel :" so? " I gave him the phone he looked at the phone for a moment then looked at me again , Zach :" what did she say??! ", Daniel :" she won't be with us she needed to go to her sick grandma", :"she just left like that...", zach :"Jack it's her grandma..", :" SHE WOULD WAKE ME UP! " ,Jonah :" why are you even screaming...understand her jack! she didn't do this on purpose! ", I wanted her beside me... I won't see her after a long time why would you do this..., corbyn and Christina came with my baggage , christina :" everything is ready ", corbyn :" what happened here? ", :" nothing...." I walked pass them and went upstairs to my room...
Jack went to his room...., Christina :" did somethin happened what's wrong with Jack? ", I told them what jack was mad about, christina :"omg.... And Did you call  y/n?!", Zach :" no we didn't ", Christina :" I'll call her to check on her " ,  corbyn :" I'll put his things into the car we will leave in 15 mins..., corbyn told me before he goes out :"Daniel try to talk to jack he usually listen to you " , :" I will "........
To be continued :)

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