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he quickly left, I looked at jack :" why did you do that! He was really nice! ", jack :" did you think I would let you go with him you're mine y/n mine only", :" don't say that again bc I'm not go back to Gabbie she needs you " , he held my hand :" jack let go ", jack :"I Dont want to" I didn't want to do anything stupid since people are here so I just kept silent, Jack :" are you mad at me? ", :" no ", jack :" you must be jealous ", :" me? Jealous? Haha never why would I be jealous and I have a boyfriend that I can do all what I want with ", jack :" stop lying you don't have a boyfriend " , :" yea i do! ", jack :" if you really have one why did you let me kiss you? Why did you tell me in the car to wait after the party so I can kiss you again? Why did you come with me to this party? Why did you let me hold your hand? ", :" I don't know but what I'm sure
About is that I don't love you anymore I don't have feelings toward you like I used to ", jack :" oh really " he was looking at me right in the eyes , jack :" I said what I said and I meant what I said y/n " he lookes serious, :" what do you mean? ", jack :"I don't like people sharing with me what belongs to me ", :" I think you don't understand jack I have a nother man in my life! " I don't know why I'm continuing with this...jack :" why did you choose him? Is he better than me? ", I know that I'll regret saying this :" yes he gave me the love you didn't give me he helped me he made me happy but you what did you do to me? Nothing", jack :" okay...I'm sorry for not being the perfect person for you " his hand left mine and he left What did I do! I'm such an ass I shouldn't have done that , I stood up and started searching for him I need to tell him the truth this wasn't I good idea... :"excuse me did you see Mr avery? ", person :" no sorry " I kept walking and asking people where is he!? This place is really big I can't find him... I was going further and further hoping I can find him this place was empty no one was here :" jack? " no answer , :" jack ? Plz if you're here answer me ", I kept walking and in this moment I heard I moaning sound :" jack?? " I saw someone sitting in the floor it's jack!!! I ran to him :" jack! Are you okay!? " he kept moaning in pain while holding his side :" jack what's wrong tell me! " I held his hand I looked at his side there was a bottle of alcohol :" Jack ! Were you drinking!?" I hold the bottle , :" from where did you get this! ", he didn't say a word I'm really scared right now I think it's bc of the alcohol he drank and he's holding on his side I think it's his liver :" jack is it your liver !!pls say something!!!", jack :" y-yes " , :" why did you drink! You know it's bad for your liver! Are you doing this on purpose! Are you on your mind... ", he started moaning louder :"omg jack! ", jack :" i-it hurts so bad I can't take it anymore " he was closing his eyes slowly, :" no no jack plZ stay with me! Don't close your eyes! ", jack :" I c-can't" started crying and screaming for help :" SOMEONE HELP ME! I NEED HELP! HELLO! " The music was too loud no one can here me :" I'll be right back jack plZ stay awake don't close your eyes ", jack : w-wait no", : what? Why? ", jack :" I...dont..want..people to know... It will be... All over the net...if they see me...", :" it's the only way jack! ", jack :" c-call Olivia ", :"yes! Right I'll call her right now where is your phone ", he pointed at his pocket so I took the phone :" what's the password ?", jack :"y-you" , :" the password is you ?", he tried so hard to talk :"y-your n-name..." , :"My name is your...jack? Open your eyes jack! Stop scaring me! " he didn't answer my hands are shaking I quickly typed the password that is my name and called Olivia :" pick up pick up! " , Olivia :" yes jack? ", :" OLIVIA YOU NEED TO COME RIGHT NOW! " Olivia :" calm down! Y/n ? Is that you?  What's wrong? ", I said crying :" it's jack Olivia I think he passed out plZ come! ", Olivia :" what!!? I'll be there in a few minutes I'm not far from you ", :"plZ hurry up! " I ended the call and sat on the floor beside him:" jack plZ open your eyes.."
I heard someone calling my name :" y/n !", it was Olivia
With two bodyguards :" over here! " , they came running :" omg what happened to him! ", :" I think it's bc of what did he drink ", Olivia :" we need to get him out of here we'll take the Exit door so no one can see " , the two bodyguards hold him up and we went out of there they put him inside the car, :"what about Jack's car ", Olivia :" he will take care of it she gave him the keys that were with Jack and then we got inside the car and drove off......
Thanks god the hospital wasn't that far...we arrived and took him inside the hospital I told the doctors what happened with Jack so they told the nurses to take him while we were sitting there waiting I'm worried af my hands are shaking and my heart is beating so fast I hope nothing happened to him, Olivia :" he'll be okay don't worry ", :"how! Bc you didn't see him how he was screaming from pain ", Olivia :" what pain? ", :" his liver! If he drinks alcohol it will hurt his liver and he never listened to me! I always told him jack stop drinking but guess what he never listened! Even his parents told him ! , Olivia :" how did I never know that! He never told me ! And how do you know all that?? ", I was silent for a moment then I said :" me and Jack know each other for 5 years now ", Olivia :"what..." , :" and I also know you Olivia we spoke 5 years ago when Jack was going to live us for the first time to be a model ", Olivia :" so it was you...i was sure I saw you before! I doubted that it was you! ", :" plz don't tell anyone ", Olivia :"of course no, I'm happy we met y/n and also you met jack ", I smiled at her, Olivia :" but I'm also sad that I never knew about Jack's liver problem If I knew I would stop him from drinking all this time... ", :' for how long was he drinking? ", Olivia :" he started drinking too much in the last 2 years ", :what! 2 years! I'm wondering how he stills alive! Didn't he feel any pain? Didn't you see him like he was now before? ", Olivia :" nOt at all! That's why I was confused ".....the doctor came to us and said :" he's awake ", I was happy when I heard he was awake I quickly went inside the room he was lying on the bed we sat on the chair beside him, :" are you okay now?? ", jack :" y-yes,  sorry for troubling you ", :" don't say that! All what matters that you're okay now ", Olivia :" I'm gonna kill you avery how could you do this to us! We were so worried !", jack :" I said I'm sorry! ", Olivia :" and why you never told me about your liver problem? ", jack :"you didn't need to know anyways " , Olivia :" you really wanna die jack " , jack :" okaaay anyways can we leave now? ", :" can you walk? ", jack :" of course " he got up from that bed and we made our way to the door when I opened the door the doctor showed up and said :" Mr avery we need to talk ", jack :" yes sir? ", doctor :" just the two of us plZ come with me ", jack :"I'll be right back " jack left with the doctor so me and Olivia left so we were waiting for him outside....
I was sitting on a chair facing the doctor , doctor :" since when you had this problem in your liver? ", jack :" from when I was like 10 years old ", doctor :" how old are you now? ", :"I'm 24 " , doctor :" did you feel any pain? anything Strange in the last few years? ", :"like What? " doctor :" felt weak and tired ?did you vomit? Had pain or swelling in your abdomen? Loss appetite? ", :" Yeah...Is it bad that it happened to me all what did you say? ", doctor :" unfortunately yes bad really bad... ", :" w-what do you mean? what's wrong with me doctor tell me... ", doctor :" I don't know how to say this but... ", jack :"but what... " , doctor :" you have a liver cancer " , jack :" what.... "
To be continued :'(

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