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I was sitting on one of the hospital chairs :" I need to charge my phone...", I saw mom coming so I asked her :" mom do you know where I can charge my phone? ", mom :" yeah in the waiting room over there " she pointed at the place, :"thanks mom If you need me I'm there ", mom :" Okey I'll go to see the doctor now " I made my way to the waiting room......i sat down and charged my phone :"perfect" after few minutes I could turn it on I'm wondering who called i started 10 missed calls , 21 unread messages omg.... I checked first the texts...

-From Zachary :
Are you okey?

-From jonah :
Is everything okay??
Did you arrive at your grandmas house???

-From corbyn :
why aren't you answering?
I hope nothing bad happened

-from ♡Christina♡ :
Y/n answer my calls!
Why aren't you answering :'(
I'm worried!
Y/n plz....

- From🍉 watermelon guy 🍉:
Y/n !
If you don't answer the damn calls I'm gonna kill you!!!
I'm fucking worried!
Plz! Babe....
When you receive my texts call me

This made me smile like it shows how much they care about me I'm so lucky to have them but I'm also sad that I didn't get a single text from Jack and he saw my text but just left me on seen... I'm sure he's mad at me I quickly typed Daniel's number and called...
After We confirmed that jack is gone we left the airport on our way back home my phone started ringing I looked at who it was :" y/n !!" they all looked at me, christina :" what are you waiting for answer! " , I quickly answered and put it on speaker :" hello! ", y/n :" hi Daniel ", christina :" omg you finally called! ", :" what happened?? ", y/n :" I'm sorry my phone died and I hadn't time to charge it until now ", Zach :"don't worry but is everything okay?? ", y/n :" not really... ", :" why?? " , y/n :"I'm really scared my grandma is really not okey we're in the hospital right now ", christina :"omg...dont worry plz everything is going to be Okey ", y/n :" I hope so... Btw tell me did jack leave?", :" yeah he left ", y/n :"I'm really sad that I wasn't there to say goodbye he's mad at me right? ", Zach :" nah don't worry he was at first but now he understands ", y/n :" really! Thanks god! ", :" y/n when are you coming back? ", y/n :" I really don't know ", :"Okey but Plz answer my calls when i call you okey?", y/n :" of course dani...anyways I need to go now bye ", we said bye to her and hang up....
After the call was ended I put my phone down to let it charge in that moment mom came and sat beside me , mom :" who were you talking to? ", :" my friends..they were worried about me so i called them ", mom :" oh okey do I know them? ", :" no you don't I knew them when I started babysitting jack ", mom :"oh.. And how was the babysitting?" she smiled , :"it was good but he left now ", Mom :" left? Where? ", :" to France ", mom :" France?? With his parents? ", :" no alone he always wanted to be a model since he was a child and when his parents were abroad they met a woman that works with models so they told her about jack so she asked if she can meet him and they really did meet and like that he went to France to pass a test to be a model", mom :" wow that's amazing ", :" yeah really....btw what did the doctor say? ", she took a deep breath then said :" he said that her situation is getting worse everyday... " , :"what!?no...can't  we do something about it! Are we gonna let her until she dies!"
" I felt tears in my eyes, mom :" I wished we can do something but it's better for to die at least she rest from this pain ", she's kinda right my grandma is suffering :"I'll go see grandma ", mom :" Okey...i'm going to buy coffee do you want me to buy you something on my way? ", :" nah thanks "... I made my way to grandma's room I walked in then closed the door slowly so I don't wake her up then sat beside her on the chair , I started looking at her face :" do you know how much I care about you? Do you know how much I love you ? You took care of me since I was young you played with me..." I can't help it tears are running down my face :"r-remember when you used to tell me everynight before I go to bed a story about my dad? You always brought a memory about him I felt like he was with me I really love you grandma " I took her hand between mine omg she's really cold what is that.... She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me :" I love you too and I will always do ", I smiled at her , grandma :" me and your dad will always watch you from there "she pointed with her eyes up to the ceiling  :" take care of yourself and your mom ", :"why are you saying this grandma..." she closed her eyes....
To be continued :")

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