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I went out of work to bring Leo since its time I was going out of there until I heard someone calling my name I turned around it was jack :" yes? ", jack :"where are you going? ", :"it's time to bring Leo from the nursery ", he looked at his watch then looked back at me :" wait so everytime you left at this time it was because of Leo?", :" yup what did you think " , he said whispering :" I thought it was bc of your boyfriend " , :" what?? ", jack :"anywaaays I'm coming with you ", :" what no!", jack :" why??! ", :" I mean you need to stay here to get ready for the party ", jack :" we have 3 hours until the party , I'm coming ", :" ugh okay let's go " , we went out from there , I saw jack going to the opposite Way :" um..jack? It's this way ", Jack :" are you crazy I can't walk in the street ", :" why? ", jack :" I'm famous!!" , oh yeah I completely forgot about this , he got inside a car , jack :" get in ", :"it's okay I'm not famous I can walk in the street ", jack :" come on get in! ", :"I don't want to " , jack :" by the way where is this nursery? ", :" it's in xxx street beside the xxx restaurant why? ", jack :" okay you can walk then by see Ya there " , :" wait what!? Jack! " he drove off, :" son of a... " I didn't think he would leave!.. While walking I got the memory of 5 years ago when
me and Jack were invited to a party in corbyn's house when Jack drove off without me so I needed to walk to the party

Jack:"why so late! I was
going to leave...", :"sorry...", jack :" yes you should be sorry", :" I take my sorry back ! " , jack :" nope you're late ", he opened the door and went out so I followed him, :" do
you have a car? ", jack :" of course ", he got inside the car I was going to open the door but it doesn't wanna open what the... :"jack the door...", jack :" who said you're going with me in the car ", :" are you serious jack...", jack :" do I look like someone who's kidding?! ", :" you can't do that! I don't even know where's the party at !!! ", jack :" you will go straight when you see a white building turn left and keep walking until you find a
big house on your right ", :"....why are you doing This to me! ", jack :" that's what happens to you when you don't listen to me I told you don't come with me " he smirked , :" how long will it take me to arrive there...", jack :" 15 mins? Or
maybe 20 mins" , :" what! No I can't walk all this while wearing high heels! plz jack !", jack :" I don't care bye bitch " he drove off :" wait no! ", he was already gone....:" WHY!..." I hate him I hate him so much!....:" FUCK YOU JACK! "I
was screaming in the empty
street...:"mom was right... Why didn't I listen to her!  Why didn't I go with her... "do i go back? Or go to the party walking? know what, y/n never give up! Never ! I'll  walk to this damn party I took off my high heels and started walking :"I'm coming jack! You will never win this
game noodles head "....

End of flashback....

I started laughing but then I realized that I'm walking in the street people were looking at me I covered my face and whispered :" they must think I'm crazy " I started walking faster....
Few minutes later I arrived to the nursery , I walked in to find jack sitting with Leo playing this is the best moment I've ever saw in my life I got emotional omg , the woman that works here came to me :" Oh you came hello ", :" hello I came to take Leo ", the woman :" oh speaking about that a man came here to take him but we didn't let him take Leo since we never saw him around here before ", :" oh haha he's his fa... I mean he's a friend of mine ", the woman :" oh okay but why did he say he's his father? ", oh my.. :" haha oh really... ", the woman :"I asked him to leave but he kept saying I'm his father and you will see that I'm not lying when my wife comes ", :" what the....i mean oh haha he's funny anyways I'll take Leo now " I went toward jack and Leo , jack :" here's your mom came Leo " , Leo came toward me and hugged me :" mommyyy " , I hugged him back and smiled :" did you miss mommy? ", Leo :" a lot! " I feel jack staring at us he was smiling, Leo :" mommy look I have a new friend! " he said while pointing at jack, :" oh really ", Leo :" isn't he the man you were talking with at grandma's house? ", I was going to say something but jack cut me :" yes it's me ", leo :" why were you and mom fighting yesterday? ", jack smiled and said :" no we weren't ", :"anyways we need to go let's go " I held Leo's hand and went out from there , jack :" aren't you getting in the car? ", :" no go back to get ready and I'll follow you later ", jack :" I wasn't talking to you I'm talking to Leo ", Leo :" YAAAAS! ", jack :" come on get in buddy" Leo's  hand left mine and he ran to the car :" wait Leo!" he's in the car now, Leo :" mommy come with us! ", :"nah I'll wal-" , jack :" let your mom walk so we can talk about some things ", :" you know what I changed my mind I'm coming ", I walked in the car beside jack while Leo in the back , we drove off....
It took us few minutes to arrive , we got off the car Leo said :" why are we at grandma and grandpa's house? ", :" you are staying here tonight ", Leo :" really! ", :" yes ", leo :" Yaaas! ", jack :" you really like staying at your grandparents house don't you " Leo :" yes! ", we walked in to the house Leo ran to his grandma and
Grandpa to hug them, mrs avery looked confused , jack :"we'll explain everything later but now we need to go ", :" Leo Listen to what your grandma say okay ", Leo :" okay mommy ".....
We left the house and got in the car and drove off we have 1 hour and a half left wth time goes fast! :" jack you're late I told you not to come with me ", jack :" nah that's fine , :" wait but I need to go to my house to get ready for the party no?", Jack :" my hair and clothes stylist will take care of everything don't worry ", :" okay...btw I'm mad at you ", jack :" why?? ", :" bc you left me and drove off ! ", jack :" haha it's not my fault you didn't want to come " I crossed my arms and looked at the opposite way , jack :"okay okay I'm sorry ", I turned to hide my smile :" I didn't hear you ", jack :" I said I'm sorry are you happy now! ", :" maybe " ,jack :" maybe!?... Girl I never said sorry to a girl! But yo- I mean you're not any other girl you're my girl so I won't mind saying sorry to you " , oh my... Why is it getting hot in here?!,  jack :" Aww look at you blushing you look so cute when you blush ".....
We arrived there went out from the car and made our way inside and to the second floor Olivia saw us some she came toward us oh shit she looks mad, jack :" look I can explain ", Olivia :" you're late jack! Go to get ready we'll talk about this later ", he looked at me and said :" let's go y/n ", Olivia :" oh no no she's not coming with you she's coming with me leave now " , jack :" but-" Olivia :" jack! " , jack :" ugh okay okay " in this moment he left okay she will be mad at me now... She turned around to face me she smiled :" aren't you mad at me?", Olivia :" of course not why would I be?.....anyways you need to get ready come with me, I followed her to where she was going we walked in to a room, Olivia said to woman that was there :" plz get her ready for tonight's party....
After getting ready
Y/n :

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