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I'm sorry reality is so repetitious. it's sad. difficult. heartbreaking. yet life is more than its challenges. the death. heartache. failure. life is to be lived, not mourned

it's a perspective—life's perspective of trials and efforts and opportunities. and though it's yours all the same you may be unable to take full control of life, but you can change your expectations and what you make of it

so live. don't let this life be the artificial light killing what resides within you. there isn't a science to a perfect and happy existence except living. really living. you must not give up. you fight back. you spend your days wisely and you make it your life as it should be . a life you tried your best at. a life you're proud with not one single regret because in your heart you know you did all you could. and all you wanted.

-reality & life go hand n' hand

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